Напиши сколько у тебя комнат, и я что нибудь придумаю, но пока что:
I have got a family. There are 5 family members in it. We have a huge house. It consists if bricks and stone. I'm really glad to see how it looks. It shapes rectangular and look like very good. There are 5 rooms. These are 2 bedrooms, 2 living rooms and kitchen. I dont know about everyone, but I decorated my room myself. There is a wardrobe, bed, chair, and table. The walls are red and the floor is wooden. I have a balcony and I can get to the roof by my balcony. It's really cool to have your flat.
1.The natural diversity of the Almaty region is amazing – from arid deserts and scenic canyons to lush valleys, snowcapped mountains, beautiful glaciers, and turquoise lakes.
2.Popular tourist attractions in Astana: Bayterek Tower, Khan Shatyr, Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, National Museum of Kazakhstan, Nur-Astana Mosque, City Park, Independence Square and Kazak Eli Monument, Assumption Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Hazrat Sultan Mosque.
3.Whether or not this Kazakhstan city was the Garden of Eden, Almaty surely has a spectacular beauty, being surrounded by the beautifully snow-capped Tian Shan mountains where you can find the last wild apple forests in the world.