He did it very well2Я спал два часаI slept for two hours3Я поехал в Италию в месяцеI went to Italy last month4Мы играли в футболWe played football5Ты сделал правильную вещьYou did the right thing6Мы были на каникулахWe were on holiday7Она была действительно рассерженаShe was really angry8Мальчики остались домThe boys stayed at home9Я пошел в кино вчера вечеромI went to the cinema yesterday evening10Мы позавтракали час назадWe had breakfast an hour ago
When Swiss millionaires Justine Klaus(a) (died) in Geneva at the age of seventy-nine, most of her family(b) (came) to hear the details of her will hoping the old lady(c) (had remembered) them. Instead they(d) (got) a real shock. Justine(e) (had lived) alone for many years and most of her family(f) (had not seen) her for several years. Her relatives(g) (were) amazed when they(h) (heard) that the old lady(i) (had left) £370 000 to her favourite house plant! Justine said that for all those years the plant(j) (had been) her best and only friend. In contrast her family only(k) (received) £100 each.
When Swiss millionaire Justine Klaus(a) (had died) in Geneva at the age of seventy-nine, most of her family(b) (came) to hear the details of her will hoping the old lady(c) (had remembered) them. Instead they(d) (got) a real shock. Justine(e) (had lived) alone for many years and most of her family(f) (had not seen) her for several years. Her relatives(g) (were) amazed when they(h) (heard) that the old lady(i) (had left) £370 000 to her favourite house plant! Justine said that for all those years the plant(j) (had been) her best and only friend. In contrast her family only(k) (received) £100 each.