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11.01.2022 05:14 •  Английский язык

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English-Speaking Countries There are several countries in the world where English is a native language. These countries are the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. It is also one of the official languages in Canada, the Irish Republic and the Republic of South Africa. Although these countries are situated in different parts of the world, they all share the same language. As a second language English is spoken in more than 60 countries. English is one of the most popular and widespread languages in the world. I’d like to tell you a little more about the main English-speaking countries. The United Kingdom consists of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The population of the UK is nearly sixty-three million people. The UK is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. London is considered to be the capital of the country. Although everyone in the UK speaks English, the accents and dialects slightly differ. Such languages as Scottish Gaelic, Irish, Welsh, and Cornish are still spoken in some parts of the UK. Another important English-speaking country is the USA. It is situated in the central part of North American continent. The population of the USA is more than 316 million people. The official language of the country is English. However, the USA is multinational country and people from certain communities can speak Chinese, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Korean and many other languages. The USA consists of 50 states and a federal district. The capital of the country is Washington D.C. Americans use lots of slang words in their speech and have a distinctive accent. Australia and New Zealand are other English-speaking countries. They are former colonies of Great Britain. The population of Australia is more than twenty-three million people and of New Zealand – more than four million people. The official language in these countries is English. However, people there speak with a distinctive Australian accent and use lots of new words. Canada has two official languages: French and English.
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1. He marched out into the hall and she heard him lift the receiver and give the number.
- Subject: He marched out into the hall
- Infinitive: for her to hear him lift the receiver and give the number

2. He did not expect her to write often, for he knew that letter-writing came difficult to her.
- Subject: He did not expect her
- Infinitive: for him to know that letter-writing came difficult to her

3. He saw those three return together from the other room and pass back along the far side of the screen.
- Subject: He saw those three return together from the other room
- Infinitive: for them to pass back along the far side of the screen

4. "Oh, I didn't hear you come in." – "I came to see if I could be of any help to you," said Race.
- Subject: "I came to see if I could be of any help to you," said Race
- Infinitive: for him to not hear Race come in

5. A voice on the stairs behind made us all start.
- Subject: A voice on the stairs behind
- Infinitive: for us all to start

6. He made the boy take off his boot and stocking.
- Subject: He made the boy
- Infinitive: for the boy to take off his boot and stocking

1. It seemed that her dinner party went on too long to her, as it did to you.
- Subject: Her dinner party
- Infinitive: for it to seem to her and you that the dinner party went on too long

2. It seemed that she sensed the purpose of his question.
- Subject: She sensed the purpose of his question
- Infinitive: for it to seem that she sensed the purpose of his question

3. It seemed that he did not notice that I was in outdoor clothes.
- Subject: He did not notice that I was in outdoor clothes
- Infinitive: for it to seem that he did not notice that I was in outdoor clothes

4. "It seems that you know a lot of Robinson," Tom Wells observed.
- Subject: "It seems that you know a lot of Robinson," Tom Wells observed
- Infinitive: for it to seem that you know a lot of Robinson, as Tom Wells observed

5. It was so wonderful to see old George. It seems he needs a friend.
- Subject: Old George
- Infinitive: for it to seem that he needs a friend

1. It appeared that George was talking to Mr. Smiss persuasively.
- Subject: George was talking to Mr. Smiss persuasively
- Infinitive: for it to appear that George was talking to Mr. Smiss persuasively

2. "I don't think you should blame yourself." It appeared that the man had not heard. He went on as if in a daze.
- Subject: The man had not heard
- Infinitive: for it to appear that the man had not heard and went on as if in a daze

3. When she passed by, it appeared that they looked at her attentively.
- Subject: They looked at her attentively
- Infinitive: for it to appear that they looked at her attentively

4. It appeared that they were coming down when I left the room.
- Subject: They were coming down when I left the room
- Infinitive: for it to appear that they were coming down when I left the room

5. It appeared that he did not see at all why he should explain his disappearance.
- Subject: He did not see at all why he should explain his disappearance
- Infinitive: for it to appear that he did not see at all why he should explain his disappearance

1. It was likely that he had hidden my journal under his mattress.
- Subject: He had hidden my journal under his mattress
- Infinitive: for it to be likely that he had hidden my journal under his mattress

2. It was unlikely that she would come across him by accident.
- Subject: She would come across him by accident
- Infinitive: for it to be unlikely that she would come across him by accident

3. It is quite likely that a motor containing two boys has been noticed.
- Subject: A motor containing two boys has been noticed
- Infinitive: for it to be quite likely that a motor containing two boys has been noticed

4. It is unlikely that he will come and see us soon.
- Subject: He will come and see us soon
- Infinitive: for it to be unlikely that he will come and see us soon

5. I think it is likely that Peter will make that mistake.
- Subject: Peter will make that mistake
- Infinitive: for it to be likely that Peter will make that mistake

1. It is believed that John has arrived in London.
- Subject: John has arrived in London
- Infinitive: for it to be believed that John has arrived in London

2. It is known that Jack is good at painting.
- Subject: Jack is good at painting
- Infinitive: for it to be known that Jack is good at painting

3. It is reported that the space-ship has landed successfully.
- Subject: The space-ship has landed successfully
- Infinitive: for it to be reported that the space-ship has landed successfully

4. It is believed he is clever.
- Subject: He is clever
- Infinitive: for it to be believed that he is clever

5. They say that he is the best teacher at our school.
- Subject: He is the best teacher at our school
- Infinitive: for it to be said that he is the best teacher at our school

1. It happened that his father came. It was raining and he had not been able to play golf, and he and Walter Fane had a long chat.
- Subject: His father came
- Infinitive: for it to happen that his father came and for him and Walter Fane to have a long chat

2. It happened that everybody had taken the problem seriously.
- Subject: Everybody had taken the problem seriously
- Infinitive: for it to happen that everybody had taken the problem seriously

3. It happened that I saw them at the theatre.
- Subject:I saw them at the theatre
- Infinitive: for it to happen that I saw them at the theatre

4. It happened that I mentioned your brother's name.
- Subject: I mentioned your brother's name
- Infinitive: for it to happen that I mentioned your brother's name

5. It happened that I knew Eliza's brother well.
- Subject: I knew Eliza's brother well
- Infinitive: for it to happen that I knew Eliza's brother well
4,6(25 оценок)
1. Что объединяет между собой металлы?

Металлы имеют несколько общих характеристик, которые позволяют объединить их в одну группу.

Во-первых, металлы обладают высоким тепло- и электропроводимостью. Это означает, что они хорошо проводят тепло и электричество, что делает их полезными для множества приложений, включая электрические провода и нагревательные элементы.

Во-вторых, металлы имеют блестящую поверхность, называемую металлическим блеском или металлической лоской. Это связано с их способностью к отражению света.

В-третьих, металлы обычно обладают высокой плотностью и твердостью. Они являются твердыми в комнатной температуре (за исключением ртути) и часто имеют высокую плотность, что означает, что они весят много на единицу объема.

Основываясь на этих общих характеристиках, можно сказать, что металлы похожи друг на друга.

2. В чем заключаются основные различия между металлами?

Металлы также имеют множество различий, что делает их разнообразными и полезными для разных целей. Некоторые из основных различий между металлами включают:

- Металлы могут иметь разную электроотрицательность. Это важно, потому что металлы могут образовывать ионы положительного заряда (катионы) при реакциях, что делает их реактивными в химических реакциях. Некоторые металлы имеют высокую электроотрицательность и склонны образовывать ионы, а некоторые металлы имеют низкую электроотрицательность и менее реактивны.
- Металлы могут иметь разную температуру плавления и кипения. Некоторые металлы, такие как ртути, имеют низкую температуру плавления и кипения, что делает их полезными в различных приложениях. Другие металлы, такие как железо, имеют гораздо более высокие температуры плавления и кипения.
- Металлы могут иметь разную степень твердости. Некоторые металлы, такие как свинец, мягкими и легко деформируемыми, в то время как другие, такие как сталь, являются твердыми и имеют высокую прочность.

Это лишь некоторые из различий между металлами, и каждый металл имеет свои уникальные свойства.

3. Какой металл является самым легким?

Самым легким металлом является литий. Литий - металлический химический элемент с атомным номером 3. Он имеет низкую плотность и относительно низкую температуру плавления, делая его очень легким металлом.

4. Какой металл является самым тяжелым?

Самым тяжелым металлом является осколок. Осколок - металлический химический элемент с атомным номером 87. Он имеет очень высокую плотность и считается самым тяжелым из всех известных элементов.

5. Что такое сплав?

Сплав - это смесь двух или более металлов, которая обычно имеет свойства, отличные от свойств исходных металлов. Сплавы обладают различными свойствами, которые могут быть более полезными в конкретных приложениях, чем у чистых металлов.

6. Как называется каждый компонент сплава?

Каждый компонент сплава называется составляющим. В сплаве есть основной металл, называемый основным компонентом, и один или более дополнительных металлов, называемых добавками или легирующими элементами. Совместное воздействие составляющих определяет свойства сплава.
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