I forgot to eat my sandwich.
I realized that I had forgotten to tell you my phone number.
I forgot to bring my books to school.
I drove to work yesterday.
If we had driven more carefully, it wouldn't have happened.
My father drove a cab, when he was younger.
I drew a picture of you.
She hadn't drawn more than three portraits before she became famous.
A boy drew over 15 pictures of his dog.
I found a rare stone on the beach.
If I had found my tickets earlier, I would have been in Spain.
I found a dog on the street yesterday.
I caught a cold and I could not attend the meeting yesterday.
We could have been on time if we had caught the bus.
He caught the ball I threw to him.
I understood nothing at last lesson.
If I had understood this when I was younger I would have probably become a teacher earlier.
They understood that they had made a mistake.
Подчеркните в предложениях сказуемое, содержащие модальный глагол или его эквивалент.
1. Our team must assemble the device.
2. The workers of this plant are to increase the productivity of labour.
3. Planes couldn't fly without information about the weather.
4. For many centuries the scientists were unable to discover the secret of the atom.
5. Without electricity man had to work only during day light hours.
6. Scientists are to begin their experiments only after careful collecting all necessary data.
8. Подчеркните в предложениях глагол-сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и залог.
1. The man who is searching (pres cont active) this tourist is (pres simp active) the senior inspector of the Pulkovo.
2. The current in a conductor can be detected (pres simp passive) due to the heat which it sets up (pres simp passive) when it is flowing (pres simp passive) the wire.
3. Usually, the items that fell (past simp active) into the hands of Customs agens, were (past simp active) already in very poor condition.
4. This man can be relied (pres simp passive) upon.
5. We were shown (past simp passive) many interesting exhibits at the Museum.
6. The luggage was carefully investigated (past simp passive).
7. Profit maximization is achieved (pres simp passive) by means of minimization of costs.
8. Pensions and other social payments are raised (pres simp passive) every year by the rate corresponding to the rate of inflation.
9. I had done (past perf active) the task by 5 o'clock.
10. She has never studied (pres perf active) a medical College.
Вот у моей подруги неделю план 35. Он не на миссии в этом году, он в 3 года. Каждое утро со вторника по пятницу он имеет онлайн-урок-это фильм или учителем поговорить. Мы можете смотреть онлайн урок-это фильм или учителем поговорить. Мы можем смотреть онлайн урок столько раз, сколько мы хотим. Каждый день 3 года есть урок физкультуры. На физкультуре дети могут делать, что хотят: играть starball или ездить летать-велосипеды,или танцевать с программой компьютере танец. Каждый день 3 года, есть время для работы над проектом. Сначала они план проекта, то они много читают, а потом пишут проект.
В вечернее время, 3 года есть время для самостоятельного обучения-они слушают аудио сказки, учить языки и научиться делать вещи с их мам и пап в родителей - контролируемых урок технологии. Это же так интересно!