1. Where does your cousin work? He works at school
2. Is your friend doing his homework now?
3. When do you usually come home from school? I come at four o'clock.
4. My mother isn't playing the piano now. She plays the piano in the evening.
5. Are you reading a magazine and thinking about your holiday at the moment?
6. I'm sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's now.
7. When do you listen to the news on the radio?
8. Are you playing chess now?
9. My uncle doesn't work at the shop.
10. Look at the sky: the clouds are moving slowly, the sun is appearing from behind the clouds, it is getting warmer.
11. I don't drink coffee in the evening.
12. What is your sister doing now? She is washing the dishes.
13. Does your father work at this factory?
Поторопись! Боюсь, что к тому времени, как мы приедем на станцию, поезд уже уедет.
2. The new American turbo-train has covered a 230-mile distance in 3 hours 15 minutes with four stops between Boston and New York.
Новый американский турбо-поезд проехал 230 миль за 3 часа 15 минут с 4 остановками в Бостоне и Нью-Йорке
3. By the time the train reached its destination Paul had made friends with many of his fellow travelers.
К тому времени, как поезд прибыл по назначению, Поль познакомился со многими из путешественников
4. For many years, railway track has been laid and repaired by hard manual labor.
Много лет рельсы клали и ремонтировали тяжелым ручным трудом.
5. Now this work is being done by means of up-to-date track machines and mechanisms.
Сейчас эту работу делают современные машины и механизмы.