That's very nice you study at a new shcool ! The best way to make new friends is to be gentle and friendly.
People like interesting things that's way you can bring smth new and fascinating for them. For example. some popular books to read together , to tell them real cool stories from your backgraund, Don't be very praud of yourself, try to be helpful and easygoing.
You can also ask your schoolmates about themseves about teachers, sports and food at school. Don' be very shy and your new schoolmates woud like to make friends with you.
ответ:I was shown . - They show me. - They will show me.
They brought her. - They bring her. - They will bring her.
We were asked. - They ask us. - We will be asked.
We sent. - We are being sent. - We will be sent.
They were given. - They are given. - They will be given.
They helped him. - They help him. - They will help him.
He was advised. - They advise him. - He will be advised.
He was forgotten. - They forget him. - He will be forgotten.
He is remembered. - They remember him. - They will remember him.
We were invited. - We are invited. - We will be invited.
We were corrected. - We are being corrected. - We will be corrected.
They called him. - His name is. - He will be called.
2) the coldest
3) more pleasent
4) beautiful
5) worse
6) brighter