Where did Mr and Mrs Gray live? Did Mr or Mrs Gray work in a bank? Who was fond of music and art? The Grays had a son, didn't they? What was his name? What didn't Peter like ? Where did Mr and Mrs Gray want to spend the summer? They found а nice small house far from Mr Gray's office, didn't they? How long were Peter and his mother going to stay there? What did the bоу do when they arrived at the house? Did hе see а nice kitchen with а white fridge, two cupboards, а cooker and а sink? There wasn't electricity in the house, was there? What did Peter see in the corner? Was there a fireplace in the sitting room? Did Peter find а bathroom? Was Peter was glad that there was no hot and cold running water in the house, wasn't he?
Мальчики гораздо сильнее девочек в математике. Девочки не так умны, как мальчики. Девочки больше по дому, чем мальчики. Мальчики задирают других детей. Мальчики сильнее в спорте, чем девочки. Мальчики никогда не сплетничают о своих друзьях. Девочки часто ссорятся друг с другом. Мальчики часто дерутся друг с другом. Мальчики всегда обижают девочек. Девочки всегда хвастаются новыми вещами. Мальчики не заботятся о том, как они выглядят. Девочки хорошо ладят друг с другом. Девочки всегда обзываются и дразнятся. Вы всегда можете доверять мальчикам.
they are going to a football match
he plays computer games
she's making a shopping list
we watch TV every evening