№1 - камера, которую вы ожидали получить
№2 - камера, которую вам прислал продавец
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with my purchase from your online web-store. I have recently purchased a camera from your website. My parcel was arrived last week, unfortunately there is some issue with my parcel. Firstly, the brand of camera that I was order was №1 but my parcel has №2. Secondly, I don't find any guide or manual that I expected to see. I think this matter deserve your attention. I would like you to respond quickly by either giving my full refund or by sending again my camera №1, user's manual and invoice.
1. I shall show my report next week. 2. We shalll make the experiment tomorrow. 3. They will discuss the problem at the next seminar.4. You will prepare breakfast in ten minutes. 5. He will take part in the experiment.
1. Where do they usually go in summer? 2. Where do you like to work? 3. What this students discuss about? 4. What kind of work we like to do ? 5. Why do you make many mistakes?
В первом задании все достаточно легко. Will употребляется во всех лицах кроме "я" и "мы". Сам смысловой глагол не меняется никак.