1)That the athlete be – All the example we can take. But he had a lot To sweat in the gym. (Athlete) 2)Umbrella I – all white-white, I'm a big and very bold, I fly through the air, From the clouds of people watching. (Parachute) 3)The hands touch is not given, But cleverly beat feet. (Soccer ball) 4)Without a paddle will not do, If the sport will do. But as a class name, Where in the boat sailing to the finish line? (Rowing) 5)Two wooden horse Down the hill carry me. I got two sticks, But don't beat horses, feel sorry for them. And for celeration running Sticks touch the snow. (Skiing)
6)I twist his hand, And neck and leg, And I twist at the waist, And drop I don't want. (The wrap) 7)We have some skates, They are summer only. On asphalt we rode And left happy. (Roller)
8)Chase sticks on the ice It from us in plain view. At the gate she flies, And someone definitely wins. (Washer) 9)On the squares Board The kings brought of the shelf. No for the battle regiments Neither bullets nor bayonets. (Chess)
Хорошо известна привязанность (любовь, ну или на крайняк забота) англичан к животным. 4 миллиона котов, 6 миллионов собак, 8 миллионов птиц в клетках, а также огромное количество других животных содержатся в качестве домашних в Англии. Официально зарегистрировано 50 частных зоопарков, в которых содержатся не только кошки и собаки, но и экзотические животные. В стране существует Королевское общество по предотвращению жестокого обращения с животными, которое недавно отпраздновало свой 150-летний юбилей.