S1: What time do you wake up ?
S2: I wake up at 7:30am
S1: What do you have for breakfast?
S2: I've got a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea. Not much but nutritious!
S1: What time do you go to school?
S2: I go to school at 7:45am
S1: Do you have any lessons in the morning?
S2: Yes,because I study in the first shift.
S1: Do you do your homework?
S2: Yes,It's important to me.
S1: Do you go out with your friends during the week?
S2:Sure I do! I always have time for my buddies
S1: What do you do in your free time during the week?
S2:Well,I usually listen to music,draw,paint,read comics or books,dance or just take a small nap.
In my life as well as everyone else has gadgets, with them I think that these technologies have answers to everything...if you try to find it. I use gadgets to study to watch a movie and to read. Sometimes gadgets have something possible for the future, such as find a job or build a career.But now from today I use them for my promotion
В моём жизни как и у всех есть гаджеты, с ними я думаю что в этих технологий есть ответы на всё..если постараться найти. Я использую гаджеты для учёбы для просмотра фильма и для чтения. Иногда в гаджетах есть что то возможное для будущие, например найти работу или строит карьеру.Но сейчас с сегодняшнего дня я использую их для своего продвижение.
2Despite feeling tired,he didn't go to bed.
3Despite enjoying himself, he hoped
his parents weren't worrying about him.