My favorite hobby! My favorite hobby is Singing! I have been singing for more than two years! On vocals we're learning not only Russian songs, but also Japanese, French! Not long ago in the House of Children's Creativity Our chairwoman put Japanese evening concert under the name "Sakura" .WE this Japanese evening singing songs not only Japanese but also english! and by the end of the concert we sang a song with the chorus "Teo torriatte"! but we naturally this evening gave gifts! Gifts of course were unusual! And now I want to tell you why I like singing! It is a vocal-music profession, the role in the musical collective, assuming fulfillment of the different vocal parts. The term singer almost coincides with the term singer, but in today's pop music ... ... That's why I like the vocals (Singing) I remember the first time I sang the song "baby house" .Mne was 6 years old! I was singing this song I sang sadike.No it is not about anything without thinking, because I was a little girl! That's how I started my "creative" life!
INGREDIENTS3 apples 1 cup flour1 cup sugar3 eggs 1 pinch salt1/2 teaspoon cinnamon1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence1 tablespoon starchPowdered sugar to tasteNumber of servings: 4-6 Mix flour, cinnamon, salt and starch in a bowl. Whip the eggs with sugar for 3-4 minutes with an electric wire whisk. The mixture should lighten a little and increase in volume. Continuing to whisk, gradually add the flour mixture into the egg mixture. Whisk until it is a homogeneous mass. Peel the apples and cut them into small cubes. Take a baking dish, flour it lightly and smear with oil. Put the apples in it, and cover with the egg-flour mixture. The apples should be completely covered with the batter. Put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, and bake for 30-40 minutes – depending on the features of your oven. As soon as the apple pie is covered with golden crust, check the readiness of the dishes with a toothpick. Let the apple pie cool down and sprinkle it with powdered sugar. The apple pie can be served.
ПЕРЕВОД Ингредиенты:Яблоки — 3 ШтукиМука — 1 СтаканСахар — 1 СтаканЯйца — 3 ШтукиСоль — 1 ЩепоткаКорица — 1/2 Чайных ложкиВанильная эссенция — 1/2 Чайных ложкиКрахмал — 1 Ст. ложкаСахарная пудра — - По вкусу Количество порций: 4-6 Смешиваем в мисочке муку, корицу, крахмал и соль. Яйца взбиваем с сахаром около 3-4 минут при электровенчика. Масса должна посветлеть и немножко увеличиться в объеме. Продолжая взбивать, постепенно вводим мучную смесь в яичную. Взбиваем, пока не образуется однородная масса. Яблоки чистим и нарезаем на небольшие кубики. Берем форму для запекания, слегка присыпаем мукой и смазываем маслом. Выкладываем в нее яблоки, сверху заливаем получившейся яично-мучной смесью. Яблоки должны быть полностью покрытыми тестом. Ставим в духовку, разогретую до 180 градусов, и запекаем 30-40 минут - в зависимости от особенностей вашей духовки. Как только шарлотка покроется золотистой корочкой, зубочисткой проверяем готовность блюда. Даем шарлотке немного остынуть, посыпаем сахарной пудрой, и шарлотку можно подавать. Вот и все - просто и вкусно! :)