ну вообще must, но тут уже кто как к зубам относится)))
he theatre is one of the oldest kinds of art. As soon as appeared a human culture - appeared and theatre. The work of the theatre includes many kinds of arts: literature, music, visual arts, singing. All this makes the theatrical production complex and bright show. But the main magic of the theatre it is the playing of actors and actresses. An actor in the theater there is a chief artist. On the stage in front of spectators he creates an image. The viewer captured by a cast.
mpathy him the whole performance, rewarding him at the end by applause. My favorite theatre is MXAT. It is located in Moscow, in Kamergerskiy pereulok. This theatre appeared in 1898, thanks to the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich - Danchenko. They collected money and attracted the best of the authors and actors. The project was carried out of the theater in the art modern style. The first drama theater was written by Chekhov. My favorite play is «Chaika». The silhouette of this bird became the emblem of the theatre. This play has the fortunate fate, it has been played still. Still people buy a seat, lounge near box-office. They will come back a company. n the evening, sit down in rows of chairs, lights will go down, the conductor will wave his wand, and the curtain will open. And the magic of theatre will begin.