Mark Twain (real name - Samuel Langhorne Clemens), American author, social activist was born in Florida (Missouri, USA) Nov. 30, 1835. He was only 12 years old when his father died, leaving the family in poverty. The boy had to apprentice in a printing house, where he worked as a typesetter's older brother. It was there that he well-read write short articles.
Марк Твен (настоящее имя – Сэмюэл Лэнгхорн Клеменс), американский писатель, общественный деятель родился во Флориде (штат Миссури, США) 30 ноября 1835 года. Ему было всего 12 лет, когда его отец умер, оставив семью в нужде. Мальчику пришлось пойти учеником в типографию, где работал наборщиком старший брат. Именно там он начитает писать небольшие статьи.
Match the word and its defintion
1 hard -working - c) working with a lot of effort
2 punctual - a) done at exactly the time that has been arranged
3 reliable - f) someone or something that can be trusted or depended on
4 clever - g) able to learn and understand things quickly
5 flexible - e) a person,plan etc that can change or be changed easility to suit any new situation
6 ambitious - b) determined to be successful rich ,powerful and etc
7 common-sense - d) the ability to make practical decisions