Exercise 7.
1) This film can be seen at our cinema (by everyone).
2) Delicious fruit ice-cream are beeing sold there now (by them).
3) She will be handed in this letter (by the postman).
4) The criminal has been punished (by him).
Слова в скобках можно не указывать, так как страдательный залог употребляется когда неизвестно или намеренно не упоминается кто выполняет действие.
Exercise 12.
1) Я видел, как птицы летят к лесу.
I saw birds flying towards the forest.
(сложное дополнение с причастием I)
2) Я увидел, как птицы полетели к лесу.
I saw birds fly towards the forest.
(сложное дополнение с инфинитивом без частицы to)
- Hello! How was your English lesson?
- Hi! Oh, it was especially interesting lesson today! We've discussed one interesting theme.
- What was that about?
- It was about information technology. We shared our own opinion and life experience. By the way, what piece of technology you can't live without?
- Oh, of course I can't live without my cell phone!
- Can you explain me why?
- Because of its practical use. I never go anywhere without my phone, because I have to call my mother or friends. I have the city map there, it is important for me, as I can easily get lost in our big city without it. There are many other benefits of it! What about you?
- I agree with you. But I can't also live without my MP3 player since I love listening to music and the TV set. I love watching TV programs in the evenings. How often do you watch TV?
- Oh, I watch it only at weekends, because I don't have much time during the week. I go to the swimming pool, play guitar and walk with my friends. How do you communicate with your friends if you spend your time at home in front of TV?
- I communicate with them thanks to my cell phone! We use Whatsapp to share pictures and call each other.
- Ok. Well, the break is over, I have to go to the next lesson. Bye!
- See you later!
As for me,food drives me crazy.I love russian food,for example: spaghetti,pelmeni,vareniki.My favourite food is spaghetti.I fond of eating a lot of different types of spaghetti,for instance:Carbonara.I like juice,because in this there are a lot of vitamins and there is just delicious.But there are many awful types of food,for example:soups,especially borch. It's such salty and unsavory,that every time I have a headache.
Write back soon.
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