Правильно перевести это предложение: " buzan’s performance in maths (6) went …up…. a lot when he (7) found …out…. he was in the top 1 percent of all mathematicians." заранее за ответ! )
1. You will be ok, if you will take those pills, so I will write a prescription for you. 2. My doctor wrote a prescription, do you have this medicine? 3. I feel sick, can you take my temperature? 4. You should take your temperature to make sure that you are ok 5. I am coughing too much, I need to go to the doctor to listen my lungs 6. I will listen to your lungs now, don't worry, it will not take too much time 7. You should take this tablet twice per day to feel yourself better 8. I don't want to take a tablet, I am not sick 9. It's a horrible accident, can you feel his pulse? 10. Try to feel your pulse before and after running, you will see the difference 11. Did this medicine help you? Let me examine your throat 12. Examine your throat by yourself
1 1Does the academy consist of 7 faculties?-общий вопрос 2Does the academy consist of 7 or 5 faculties?-альтернативный вопрос 3What does the academy consist of?-специальный вопрос 4What consists of 7 faculties?-вопрос к подлежащему 5The academy consists of 7 faculties,doesn't it?-разделительный вопрос 2 1Does the medical academy include 3 educational buildings and a big clinic?-общий вопрос 2Does the medical academy include 3 educational buildings and a big clinic or only a clinic?-альтернативный вопрос 3What includes 3 educational buildings and a big clinic?-вопрос к подлежащему 4What does the medical academy include?-специальный вопрос 5 The medical academy includes 3 educational buildings and a big clinic,doesn't it?-разделительный вопрос