Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline.
Stress is key for survival, but too much stress can be detrimental. Emotional stress that stays around for weeks or months can weaken the immune system and cause high blood pressure, fatigue, depression, anxiety and even heart disease. In particular, too much epinephrine can be harmful to your heart.
1. I like to conpete with my best friend.
2. He is the best competitor in the competition.
3. My uncle is advertising their job to employ workers.
4. Employers are many, about 10 people including my uncle.
5. New employee wants to take probation period.
6. Customers should be satisfied with our products.
7. There are more and more advertisements types in 21 century.
8. My father owns a sport car.
9. The owner of this company recommends us not to apply for a job.
10. A CEO of my uncle's company gives more payments than others.
11. We produce sneakers of the newest model.
12. However, the turnover is little bit less than the last year.
13. We try to develop the market share, and do it as much comfortable as it can be.