Ну, например: - No, thank you, I have already eaten (Нет я уже поел) Или - I should better not eat this because I am allergic to (ккая-нибудь еда) (Мне не стоит есть это, потому что у меня на это аллергия)
Christmas holidays are one of the best times of the year. This is the time when you can walk with friends, play snowballs and go to the ice rink. Spending a lot of time with relatives is also a very good idea. On Christmas holidays, I'm going to spend a lot of time in the open air. I like to skate, so I often skate with my friends. I will go to visit relatives. Evenings I like to spend reading books. You can just look out the window, because even such a simple activity will bring a lot of joy at this wonderful time .
1. behind (позади) - in front of (впереди) warm (тёплый) - cold (холодный) short (короткий) - long (длинный) nice (хорошо) - bad (плохо) left (левый) - right (правый) big (большой) - small (маленький) on (на) - cloudy (под) sunny (солнечный) - cloudy (пасмурный) 2. In the sity i can see museums, universites, churches, and many multi-stage bildings. As for places in the city: it can be monuments, squares, parks, promenades, cinemas, restaurants, amusement rides parks and much more different intresting places.
- No, thank you, I have already eaten (Нет я уже поел)
- I should better not eat this because I am allergic to (ккая-нибудь еда)
(Мне не стоит есть это, потому что у меня на это аллергия)
- Yes, please, I would like one.