британский английский flat apartment lawyer attorney luggage baggage milliard billion cab taxi company corporation city/town centre downtown chemist's drugstore lift elevator autumn fall petrol gas motorway highway cross-roads intersection living room drawing room coach long-distance bus post mail cinema movies trousers pants sleeper Pullman railway railroad shop-assistant saleman, clerk time-table schedule football soccer underground subway booking office ticket office to be sick to be ill advocate trial lawyer lorry truck boot trunk Незачто если Мне не трудно.
1.Henry said that his son is a student. 2.Her mother said that she is working at the library. 3.My friend said that he hasn't seen me for ages. 4.All said that he shall solve the clues tomorrow. 5.He said that there's nobody here to stop them. 6.The soldier said that they will find a place to lie up. He's afraid they will kill them. 7.My friend said that they have been waiting for me for ten minutes. 8.Jane said that she's all right and nothing worries her. 9.Tom said that he's busy now. He is doing his lessons. 10.The secretary said that she isn't here. She has just left the office. 11.He said that this man is the doctor for the hospital. 12.They answered that there's no one by that name here. 13.He said that he is ill and has a high temperature. 14.They said that they have tried to telephone him. 15.She said that she doesn't think she will have done this work by the time.