ответ к вопросу после текста:
After I've read the story about Brithish Library, it became a place I would like to visit personally. I think it is a good place to find an interesting friend to talk - a book, through it's words I can speak with people that lived long ago, I can also speak to it's author and that is precious to me.
Card № 3
Make a research on your friend’s collection of books at home.
Who started to collect books at your home?
It was my grandma who started to collect books to her library.
How many books have you got?
Now we have too many books to count
What kind of books have you got?
Grandma prefers historical, fantasy books and novels, but she never forgets about my favorite fairytales.
Who usually buys books for your home library?
Grandma had bought most of the books, my also father had also bought a lot of books
Who cleans them?
Grandma always keep her precious library clean.
Do your friends borrow the books from your home library?
Grandma allows my friends to borrow the books they need to study
Do you borrow some books from your friends or from your school or local library?
Usually I can find all I need at my grandma's library, but if not - I look for books at our school library.
Percy Spencer( 1894-1970) was an engineer from Marine in the USA. He is famous because he invented the first microwave oven. Spencer created radar equipment. One day, he discovered that the radar melted the chocolate bar in his pocket. He decided to investigate. First, he tried to cook popcorn and an egg using the radar waves. When this worked, he experimented, with other types of food. His company produced the first microwave ovens in 1947, but they were heavy and expensive. In 1967, scientists developed a smaller, cheaper microwave which millions of people use today, all thanks to Percy Spencer.