все мы знаем, что дельфины – это небольшие киты. как и другие китообразные, дельфины дышат не жабрами, а воздухом. они никогда не море, здесь их детеныши. мать вскармливает их молоком, поэтому дельфины относятся к млекопитающим. они – теплокровные. у них острые зубы, а их голова заканчивается ртом, похожим на птичий клюв. основная пища дельфинов – рыба, моллюски и мелкие морские животные. обычные дельфины имеют в длину около 1,6 метра. у них большой рот с 80-100 зубами. сверху имеют черную или серую окраску, а живот у них белый с черными плавниками. к тому же семейству, что и дельфины, относятся морские свиньи. морская свинья, обитающая на всех широтах от гренландии до северной африки, — один из самых миролюбивых дельфинов. кроме рыбы она ест ракообразных и даже водоросли.
we all know that dolphins are small whales. like other cetaceans, dolphins do not breathe gills, and air. they never leave the sea, their babies are born here. the mother feeds them milk, so dolphins are mammals. they're warm-blooded. they have sharp teeth and their head ends in a mouth like a bird's beak. the main food of dolphins is fish, shellfish and small sea animals. ordinary dolphins have a length of about 1.6 meters. they have a big mouth with 80-100 teeth. the top being black or gray in color, and the belly they have a white with black fins. to the same family as dolphins are porpoises. the porpoise, which lives at all latitudes from greenland to north africa, is one of the most peaceful dolphins. in addition to fish, it eats crustaceans and even algae.
summer is coming and i’m looking forward to it. it’s my favourite season, of course, because the weather is great . after a long and difficult school year you get really tired of studies, so i’m going to enjoy my summer holidays and have much fun. i hope they will be as exciting as my last summer holidays were. i already have a lot of plans for them.
i would like to spend the first summer month in the country, at my grandparents’. my friends and cousins will be waiting for me there. i miss them so much. we shall go fishing, sunbathing, swimming, horse-riding and playing football. and i’m going to help my grandparents about the garden. so i will be outdoors all the time.
i can’t wait for july because our family will travel to the seaside. we shall stay in a rented house for 2 weeks. i really enjoy the clean air and the beautiful scenery with beaches and mountains near the warm sea. i am going to swim and dive a lot. and i want to try the national cuisine, rich in fruit, vegetables and fish.
as for august, i would like to stay in the city and spend the time with my friends walking around, going to the cinema and cafes, playing computer games. my dream is to sleep as much as i like and to do what i like. i will ride my bike, go skateboarding or roller-skating in the park.
i hope that the summer of will be the best summer in my life and i will start my new school year happy, suntanned and refreshed!
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