Составе 5 вопросов к тексту. chenonceou cestle is in france. the castle was build at 1513 . the most famous name is ladies castle or castle of five queens. there are many beautyfull garden and fountains around a castle.
-Hi. Do you know where the nearest pharmacy is?- Hi. No. What happened?- Yes, my head ached badly, but I could not find an aspirin at home.-Hm ... Maybe you'd better call a doctor?-No, do not. I myself know.-Oh well. Then take my car to get to the pharmacy quicker.-Oh thank you! Just first find out where it is.-Look at the Internet.-Thank you! Till tomorrow.-Before. (Можете сами дополнить) -Привет. Ты не знаешь где находится ближайшая аптека?- Привет. Нет. А что случилось?-Да голова сильно разболелась, а аспирина дома не нашел.-Хм...Может ты лучше вызовешь врача? -Нет, не стоит. Я сам знаю.-Ну хорошо. Тогда возьми мою машину, что бы быстрее добраться до аптеки.-Ох Только сначала бы узнать где она находится.-Посмотри в Интеренете До завтра.-До завтра!
Everyone is afraid of something. In our modern world, there are a lot of fears. Every person is afraid of something or fears. Sometimes this fear comes to a state of phobia. Acrophobia, social phobia, claustrophobia and many other things that can limit us in some actions. In most cases, phobias go so far as to prevent a person from living peacefully and enjoying life. If the same fear can be overcome, and it is not an obstacle to which Either action, a phobia, this is a condition that can reach the point that one has to seek help from a doctor. Someone is afraid of dogs, some are thunderstorms, someone is left alone, and someone else is in the too thick crowd. Each person has his own phobia, his own personal fear and should not be condemned for it. It is worth knowing that A person should be helped to cope with this condition, otherwise it can grow into a serious problem. Who knows if we can help each other fight our fears, maybe they will become much less? Definitely.