(ножь) Knife is the subject of Katori can rezat.Nozhy are blunt, sharp, large, small, they varieties.The battle begins with a knife or with protection against attacking enemy limbs or with instantaneous attack his vital points of the body.Under the knife work of art easy means to avoid the requirement of intricate paths, to "play" with a knife in his fingers, throw it from one hand to the other, they make movement without intention to hit the opponent (scare).Offensive action, leading to a deep penetrating wound, called "prick." It is most often applied to them in the linear action. They rightly considered the most life-threatening. (парта) Parta - the subject of school furniture desk associate with the bench, designed for students in secondary (and sometimes pre-school) education. As a rule, involve the use of the desks at the same time by two students.In modern schools desks replaced by Student desks, chairs, set of working with the appropriate seat height chair with a writing and other.School desk Erismann was invented in 1870 (wrongly, as the party Erismann clearly based on the drawings Farner, published in Germany 5 years earlier and now she returns to us. (телефон) Before the invention of telegraphs (optical and electrical) and phone to send messages over long distances used primitive methods, such as whistle, gong, smoke signals or drums. For example, a shot from a rifle can be heard at a distance of about ten kilometers to the audibility strongly affected by the presence nearby strangers rather loud noises; the signal may be distorted by unauthorized shots. All of these devices were deficient due to the distance the sound dispersion - to transmit a signal over long, it was necessary to make intermediate points on which other feeders signals heard another signal transmitted it to turn on. In 1849-1854 gg. Charles Bursel, a mechanical engineer and deputy inspector of the Paris Telegraph, developed the idea of calling. The first principle of Sh Bursel phone described in his dissertation in 1854, but the practical implementation of telephony it is not reached. Sh Bursel was also the first to use the word "phone".
The prominent politician Winston Churchill was born' in 1874. He is the son of Lord Randolph Churchill and grandson of the seventh Duke of Marl-borough. He was educated at Harrow and Sandhurst and entered the Army in 1895. In 1900, he entered Parliament and soon became a prominent figure. He left the Conservative Party and joined the Liberals* ranks because of his opposition to the Prime Minister's policy. He held different responsible posts. At the outbreak of war he was First Lord of the Admiralty and was responsible for the speedy mobilization of the Fleet. He later held office as Minister of Munitions and Minister for War. Soon after the outbreak of the Second World War he became Prime Minister and his heartening leadership and speeches inspired the nation to greater efforts in the darkest days of the war. Churchill had great literary gifts and he wrote many books, including a life of his father and histories of the First and Second World Wars.
Уинстон Черчилль(на рус.)
Выдающийся политик Уинстон Черчилль родился в 1874 году. Он сын Лорда Рэндольфа Черчилля и внук седьмого герцога Мальборо. Учился он в Харроу и в Сандхерсте и был призван в армию в 1895 году. В 1900 году он вошел в состав Парламента и вскоре стал в нем заметной фигурой. Он вышел из консервативной партии и пополнил ряды либералов из-за несогласия с политикой премьер-министра. Он занимал разные ответственные должности. Когда началась война, он был министром военно-морских сил и отвечал за немедленную мобилизацию флота. Позже он занимал должности министра по поставкам снаряжения и военного министра. После начала Второй мировой войны Черчилль стал премьер-министром, его талантливое руководство и пламенные речи вдохновляли народ на подвиги в самые сложные дни войны. У Черчилля был несомненный литературный талант, он написал много книг, в том числе и книгу о жизни своего отца и истории Первой и Второй мировых войн.