Now I’m going to tell you about my father. My father is the best person. My father is 47 (сколько лет твоему напиши) years old. His name is (имя твоего папы). My father is a businessman (или кем твой папа работает). My father has darks hair (цвет волос своего папы пиши)) and dark eyes (цвет глаз твоего папы напиши). He is not only my dad but he is my best friend. We share the same interest motorcycles, He is super cool. He have a sense of humour. I admire him for his courage. He has many friends, and it's easy for him to find a common language with people. He can always cheer me up with a good joke or tell an interesting story.
BuckinghamPalace, the best known royal palace in the world, is situated in Central London.the palace takes its name from the house that was built in1703. Sixty years later it was bought by King George III for his wife, Queen Charlotte and became known as the queen’s house. JohnNash, the royal architect, reconstructed (rebuilt) it into a palace in the 1820s. Victoria was the first queen to live there (from 1837). In the place there was the Queen’sGallery which exhibits (various) paintings from the royal art collection, to drawings byLeonardo da Vinci. The first floor balcony is the scene of formal appearance bythe Royal Family on important occasions. Below it in the forecourt, the colorful ceremony of Changing the Guard takes place regularly (generally every morning from April to early August) .
When Her Majesty the Queen is in residence, you can see the Union Jack above the palace. Traditionally closed to the public, the State Rooms of the palace were opened to tourists during the summer months in the mid-1990s.The State Rooms of the palace are used for greeting (welcoming) heads of state and forholding ceremonies where Her Majesty and other members of the Royal Family give official titles, honours and awards