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98 за сокращение до 10 предложений) there is no doubt that the problem of parents and children is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world. some people think that it is impossible to overcome differences between members of different generations, while others insist that people of different generations can meet each other halfway and even become bosom friends. it is not uncommon that some parents often disapprove of their children's musical preferences, clothing styles, political views and choice of friends. in my opinion, misunderstandings between parents and children cause many problems and may lead to serious conflicts. one simple solution that can be put forward is frank and open deep conversation. hence, parents should understand that every child is an individual and that to err is human. besides, some parents put much pressure on their children to perform well at school. in my view, parents should make children aware of the importance of study in their life, but they should not punish them for bad grades. i am convinced that the main task of every parent is to teach children the difference between right and wrong and to establish trust relationship with them. so, parents must express deep concern, be careful, sincere, loving and heedful of advice. they must also go with the times in order to understand their adolescents better and not be too exacting and adamant. it should be also noted that nowadays the factors of generation differences are disappearing. lots of parents listen to the same music, wear the same clothes and spend as much time on social networking as their children do. on the other hand, there are people who insist that the problem of generation gap cannot be solved. according to their opinion, teenagers today are rude, cruel, lazy and ill-mannered. most of them are addicted to gambling, computer, alcohol or drugs. moreover, experts say that the cases of juvenile delinquency have been on the rise over the past years. in my judgment, one of the reasons for this problem is lack of moral values or attention. moreover, the contributing factors of juvenile delinquency include poverty, parental divorce, domestic violence and corporal punishment. however, it becomes evident that all of them refer to the family conflicts. in my judgment it is precisely the family environment that constitutes a root problem. experts say that most delinquents come from problem families. their parents are often violent, cruel or abuse alcohol and drugs. in turn, their children show rebellious behavior and stop obeying them. all in all, i think that all parents should better try to protect their adolescents from bad influences and give a helping hand rather than lecture them or decrease their self-esteem. i still strongly believe that people can bridge the generation gap by means of communication and mutual understanding.


В тексте говорится о сомнениях между непониманием родителей и детей . Они не разделяют музыкальные вкусы , стиль одежды и политику.Чтобы решить эту проблему , достаточно серьёзно поговорить , следовательно каждый человек индивидуален.Есть люди которые думают что нынешняя молодёжь жесткая и грубая , и им не достаточно внимания , однако очевидно что это все из-за семейных конфликтов.

Большенство родителей являются пьяницами и грубиянами , и дети копируют их .

Я думаю что родитель должен пытаться защищать своего ребёнка от плохого внимания .

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Fashion trends in the modern world are developing rapidly and brightly. I think that fashion in the future will have the motto "Chic and comfort". It should be comfortable and practical, because, with an increasingly active lifestyle, uncomfortable and impractical clothing will lose its benefits. Clothes, of course, should be beautiful. I hope that in the future we will see an even greater variety of styles than now. We make the fashion of the future ourselves. And how quickly and qualitatively it will develop depends on us.

4,4(21 оценок)
In the life of every person comes the moment of choosing a profession. This is a responsible step, which everyone must do himself. In childhood we dream of becoming a teacher, policeman, doctor, driver, actress, singer, cosmonaut and even president. Playing in childhood in adulthood, for us there are no impossible tasks. But time passes and childhood goes away, forgetting to give up on parting. We had no time to look back, as we approached the threshold of adulthood. There will not be more games. But no one will take our dream away from us. All that we need to take with us to adulthood is a childhood dream.

A dream is the beginning of all professions. Someone wants to travel and write books, someone to become a chef and open a restaurant, someone dreams of becoming a designer and coming up with their own collection of clothes, and someone wants to bring knowledge to children. Realize your dream, become what you want do you want to be .

The world of professions is diverse and surprising. And every profession is important. There are no important or important professions. All of them are needed, simply in a variety of ways. In choosing a profession, one must be treated responsibly and deliberately, because you will need to associate with her all your life. As the ancient philosopher Confucius said: "Choose a job for your soul, and you do not have to work a single day in your life." After all, doing what you really like is very cool. To receive pleasure and joy from your work. Your work will reflect you professional in this matter, as you will invest in it a piece of the soul. Just imagine how it's "cool" to wake up with the thoughts that today you will make a lot of new things. But if you choose a profession you do not like, you will never get from it that pleasure. Neither prestige nor high wages will bring you that simple joy. You will wake up with thoughts: "Again to work, when already vacation." And you will live from Saturday to Saturday in anticipation of vacation. You can not feel that there are a lot of bright moments in life, because your work will be routine for you and you will perform it automatically. So your whole life will pass, in anticipation of the weekends and holidays. Do not let this happen! Choose a profession that you like. That she likes you and that you will be useful.

I study in the ninth grade and start to think about my future profession. I take responsibility for choosing a profession, because the choice of a profession determines your future path. I want my profession to be interesting for me not only when I am studying, but also after graduation. Because many people like to study, and they do not like working in this activity, and they go to work not in their specialty. In my future profession it is important for me that it is interesting for me. All the professions are so different, but in one they are connected. It is not important what kind of work you choose, it is important what benefit you bring to the people of the country!
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