9. почему вы не сказали, что мы должны перевести всю статью? 10. нам сказали, что наши родители вернутся в субботу. 11.он спросил меня, что я чувствую по поводу посещения школы. 12. он сказал, что думал, что это довольно глупая идея, и он не собирался в ней участвовать. 13. ты знаешь, получила ли джейн письмо от своего американского друга по переписке? 14. разве ты не знал, что они уехали в лондон? 15. он спросил меня, вернусь ли я туда в следующем году. 16. они спросили его, кого он хочет. 17. он сказал, что пингвины умеют плавать. 18. он спросил ее, в каком отеле она собирается остановиться. 19. можете ли вы сказать мне, есть ли здесь кафе? 20. я понятия не имел, чья это книга.
на :
9. pochemu vy ne skazali, chto my dolzhny perevesti vsyu stat'yu? 10. nam skazali, chto nashi roditeli vernutsya v subbotu. 11.on sprosil menya, chto ya chuvstvuyu po povodu poseshcheniya shkoly. 12. on skazal, chto dumal, chto eto dovol'no glupaya ideya, i on ne sobiralsya v ney uchastvovat'. 13. ty znayesh', poluchila li dzheyn pis'mo ot svoyego amerikanskogo druga po perepiske? 14. razve ty ne znal, chto oni uyekhali v london? 15. on sprosil menya, vernus' li ya tuda v sleduyushchem godu. 16. oni sprosili yego, kogo on khochet. 17. on skazal, chto pingviny umeyut plavat'. 18. on sprosil yeye, v kakom otele ona sobirayetsya ostanovit'sya. 19. mozhete li vy skazat' mne, yest' li zdes' kafe? 20. ya ponyatiya ne imel, ch'ya eto kniga.
1)News is broadcast at
regular intervals and there is discussion of current events, both national and
2)The chanels of British television keep people informed about current events, the latest achievements in science and culture and offer some programmes which are both informative and entertaining.
3)Our family subscribes to some newspapers and the “Book review” magazine.
4)There is also serious concern about the negative effects of some TV shows in which scenes of violence and crime are presented.
5) In London people have a choice between a few TV channels: BBC1 , BBC2 and some commercial channels
6)And this is the difference
between the living theatre and the mass
entertainment of films, radio and television.
7) In future there will be some new kinds of mass media much more interesting than TV, radio and newspapers.
8) companies just “buy time” to advertise their products and the viewers have to watch advertisements for soap, washing machines, petrol and many other items during the programmes.
9)He doesn’t like tabloid newspapers because they’re full of gossip and scandal. He prefers more serious papers.
2. Yesterday you came my grandmother had baked a cake.
3. By five o'clock tomorrow I have three hours I should be ready to report.
4. I just got back from work.
5. By Monday the students worked for three days in the library.
6. No one expected that he would come.
7. I have half an hour to clean the apartment.
8. When he came, the wife for an hour preparing dinner.
9. I want them helped us.
10. I saw how they played in the yard.
11. When you get two hours of going to work for the report.
12. I've never read Dostoevsky.
13. By 1950, my brother moved to Moscow.
14. By next week I'll read all these books.
15. When he came, all two hours watching TV.
16. I wish he went to College.
17. What the father does? – He's already two hours working in the garden.
18. I didn't expect that he will come.