The film that left a deep and lasting impression on me is a great work of James Cameron direction – “Titanic”. This is feature colored film of more than 3 hours long. This film was released by Columbia Pictures associated with 20th Century Fox. For Russian audience it was doubled by several TV companies and channels.The director of “Titanic” is well-known Canadian James Cameron famous for his huge budget movie hits. “Titanic” deals with a tremendous disaster which happened on April, 14 1912 in the Atlantic Ocean when more than 15 hundred people died in freezing water after the enormously huge and luxurious passenger liner “Titanic” had sunk.
On this background the love of two young people strongly separated by position they took in society was growing. This story is not quite typical, more likely it’s a story of prohibited feelings among the tragic events.
The climax of the story is simultaneously the moment when Rose (American aristocrat betrothed to a rich and hopeful suitor) and Jack (free-spirited poor artist who won his 3rd class passage in a card game) despite of great difference between them understood that their love was true and the only thing really worth living. In the same time the liner collided with an iceberg and began to sink. The end of the film is quite logical. Rose whose mind and soul have totally changed after Jack’s death hid from her suitor and begins a new life under the surname of the man who could never be her husband but whom she really loved. Rose refused the false glint of her aristocratic past.
All the scenes in “Titanic” are skillfully directed and show the logical development of the events and changes in characters.
Ibn Battuta, the great Muslim traveller, was born in 1304 in Morocco, in the north-west of Africa. His real name was Mohammad ibn Abdullah.
His (1) FAMILY came from Egypt. He travelled to America, Africa, southern and eastern Europe,Arabia, Persia and Afghanistan; and (2) ACROSS the
Himalayas to India, China, central and south-east Asia and the Maldives.
In 1325, when he was just 22 years old, he decided to go to (3) NEW
lands and visit Mecca. In his first journey to Mecca he was in Alexandria and Cairo. Then he decided to see India and China.
In 1333, he made his (4) LONG journey to India via Samarkand and reached Delhi.
In 1342, the Sultan sent Ibn Battuta to China. This was a good (5) CHANCE
for him to see China.
In 1345, he went to Cambodia and on his way (6) BACK he visited
Sumatra, Malaya, Amman, Baghdad and Ceylon.
In 1347, he came back to his homeland after 28 years.
In 1352, he left home for his longest and (7) LAST journey. Passing
along the kingdom of Grenada in Spain, Western and Central Africa,
he returned to Morocco in 1354.
Ibn Battuta travelled for almost 30 years and (8) COVERED more than
120,000 kilometers. No one ever did better.
This photo shows a meeting of two friends, they are probably in a café in the city centre. On the foreground I can see an empty chair and table on which is staying a cup of coffee or tea.In the middle there are two young women, the first is wearing an orange t-shirt and grey trousers, she has brown hair, the second has dark blond hairs, she is wearing green and white blouse and jeans. Friends are talking about something, they are smiling and relaxed. I imagine they ordered a bottle of orange juice, because it is on their table, there is an empty plate too - maybe they ate some cake or biscuits? In the background I can see a banner on which is informing the café is open. On the left side there is probably a small local shop built with bricks. The mood of photo is calm and restful, I can imagine that these girls are having a good time together.
in the movie Titanic rasskazvaetsya of the good of love. the fact that no prepyatstvie even the fact that the ship is not obrushilsya that did not stop the love even on the ice when they were in the camps when he pogum zhenchiny when I was old still remembered it