Write a short article about different types of media for your school magazine. write: - types of media. - what each type of media provide us with. - what type of media you prefer. - why.
Hello everybody! Today in my article I want to tell you about different types of media. At first, what kinds of media you now? OK, this is magazine, and I give you answer myself. Media include Internet, radio, TV, different magazines, etc. Media provide us with different information. For example, in our magazine we tell you about school news. As for me, I prefer Internet as media, 'cause in Internet we can find everything! And you? What type of media do you prefer? Write us about it! Always with you in my articles!
Мой брат Самэд - студент. Он не работает.У него плохо с деньгами. Он тратит много денег на одежду.А на книги он тратит совсем мало.Мои родители не дают ему много денег.Но моя бабушка дает ему их каждый раз,когда видит его. Моя сестра Айгюн имеет новую работу. Она работает учителем на курсах англ. языка.Она никогда не заходит после работы. Она говорит, что она любит оставаться с ее маленьким сыном дома. Ее сыну 4 года. Он милый. Мой отец Али - доктор.Он хороший доктор.Он любит свою работу.Он мне делать мою домашнюю работу
So, any tourist is a traveler. At first glance similar, but actually a big difference.Now I will give a few differences between a tourist and a traveler.A tourist buys a ready-made tour at a travel Agency. The traveler himself is planning your route. Tourist overcharged by the airlines. The traveler travels by bus, train, hitchhiking. The tourist living in the hotel that long chooses different criteria of comfort. The traveler lives in the hostels. A tourist puts the comfort of travel conditions in the first place. A traveler appreciates the experience. Tourists need stability and confidence. The traveler is at risk.
At first, what kinds of media you now? OK, this is magazine, and I give you answer myself.
Media include Internet, radio, TV, different magazines, etc.
Media provide us with different information. For example, in our magazine we tell you about school news.
As for me, I prefer Internet as media, 'cause in Internet we can find everything!
And you? What type of media do you prefer? Write us about it!
Always with you in my articles!