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Выполнить по . языку 1. раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present, past или future simple passive. 1. bread (to eat) every day. 2. the letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. nick (to send) to moscow next week. 4. i (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5. i (to give) a very interesting book at the library last friday. 6. many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. this work (to do) tomorrow. 8. this text (to translate) at the last lesson. 9. these trees (to plant) last autumn. 10. many interesting games always (to play) at our pt lessons. 11. we (to invite) to a concert last saturday. 12. my question (to answer) yesterday. 13. hockey (to play) in winter. 14. mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 15. many houses (to burn) during the great fire of london. 16. his new book (to finish) next year. 17. st. petersburg (to found) in 1703. 18. these houses (to build) of stone, brick and wood. 19. the engineer (to ask) to test the device yesterday. 5. раскройте скобки, употребляя причастие в нужной форме. 1. scientists are experimenting with a system (to allow) drivers to see better after dark. 2. the investigation (to carry out) by the students now is very interesting. 3. new technologies reduce the number of workers (to need). 4. the project (to discuss) by the engineers at the moment has numerous advantages. 5. the professor (to deliver) a lecture on the use of new engines provided working models. 6. (to wait) in the hall, he thought over the problem he was planning to discuss with our lecturer. 9. выберите правильный вариант ответа. 1. the engineers tackling/tackled/being tackled the energy problem did not reach a compromise. 2. the equipment delivering/delivered/being delivered yesterday has just been installed. 3. the coils connecting/connected/being connected to each other will be attached to a battery through an on-off switch. 4. tests of the properties of the electromagnetic circuit carrying/carried/being carried out by this team have shown good results. 5. the high voltage circuit checking/checked/being checked now will be used soon. 6. many people are against power plants burning/burnt/being burnt waste. инфинитив. инфинитивные обороты. 10. переведите следующие предложения. подчеркните в них инфинитив. 1. it has been decided to build a road around the village. 2. they want the new device to be produced by february. 3. the purpose of this book is to describe certain properties of metals. 4. to work in building construction was the dream of his life. 5. the experiment to be carried out is of great importance for our research. 6. to solve this problem we had to involve experts. 7. the engineer allowed the technology to be used. 8. he heard the engine start after a loud click. 9. concrete is strong in its resistance to loads trying to crush it. 10. they made construction workers wear the personal protective equipment. 14. соедините части предложений. a. b. 1. she is interested a) drinking alcohol. 2. she avoids b) to seeing my daughter. 3. you should give up c) being ill. 4. we really enjoy d) laughing at her. 5. i’m looking forward e) to living in a dirty house. 6. he is used f) talking to drunk people. 7. she pretended g) swimming in the sea. 8. pamela is good h) at riding a horse. 9. i couldn’t help i) in surfing the internet. 16. выберите правильный вариант. 1. we won’t succeed in testing without being helped/to be helped. 2. we want you looking / to look at our car. 3. he bought a new car instead of trying / to try to fix his old one. 4. we consider him being/ to be a good expert in this field. 5. we do not know of his having discovered / to have discovered this law. 6. i do not insist on our using/being used this equipment. 7. our decision will depend on your being ready/to be ready to help us. 8. i insist on your checking/ being checked this device immediately. 9. i know of the problem having been solved/to have been solved. 10. the trouble is his not having taken/being taken enough readings. 11. if a job is worth doing/to do, it should be done properly.

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Scotland is a one of the most attractive and visited countries in the world. It is a part of the United Kingdom and it lies in the northern part of Great Britain, occupying almost one-third of the island. The southern border is shared with England. Its northern, western and eastern parts are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. Scotland is known for its exquisite liquor and breathtaking landscapes. The highest mountain in the British Isles, Ben Nevis, is situated there. It is located in Scottish Highlands. A famous British poet and lyricist Robert Burns wrote many poems and songs about these highlands. However, Scotland is associated not only with mountainous areas, but with bagpipes, kilts, haggis, Loch Ness monster, historic architecture and cobblestone streets of its capital city Edinburgh. Perhaps, the best time to visit this country is the last day of the year, during Scottish New Year, called Hogmanay. It’s a public holiday with major all-night celebrations, which are among the largest in the world. The largest and most visited cities in the country are Edinburgh and Glasgow. While Edinburgh is the historical, cultural and educational heart of Scotland, Glasgow is its financial and industrial center. Other major and attractive cities are Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness, Livingstone, Perth. Scottish flag is known as St. Andrew’s Cross. It’s a white cross on a blue background. According to the legend St. Andrew was the patron saint of Scotland, who was crucified on the similar cross. Having so many rivers, lakes, highlands and green areas, this country is believed to have one of most beautiful sceneries in the world.


Шотландія є однією з найпривабливіших і відвідуваних країн у світі. Це частина Сполученого Королівства, яка знаходиться на півночі Великобританії і займає майже третину острова. На півдні вона межує з Англією. На півночі, заході і сході омивається водами Атлантичного океану і Північного моря. Шотландія славиться своїм вишуканим лікером і захоплюючими краєвидами. Найвища гора Британських островів, Бен-Невіс, знаходиться там. Вона розташована в Шотландському Високогір'я. Знаменитий британський поет і лірик Роберт Бернс написав безліч віршів і пісень про це високогір'ї. Проте, Шотландія асоціюється не тільки з гірськими районами, а й з волинками, картатими спідницями, стравою з баранячих потрухів під назву Хаггіс, Лох-Несським чудовиськом, історичною архітектурою і брукованими вуличками її столиці Единбурга. Можливо, найкращий час для відвідування цієї країни це останній день в році, т. Е. Напередодні шотландського Нового року, який називається Святвечір. Це державне свято з великим нічним торжеством, які є одним з наймасштабніших у світі. Найбільшими і найбільш відвідуваними містами в країні є Единбург і Глазго. У той час як Единбург є історичною, культурною та освітньою столицею Шотландії, Глазго - це його фінансовий і промисловий центр. До іншим великим і привабливим міст відносяться Абердін, Данді, Інвернесс, Лівінгстон, Перт. Шотландський прапор відомий як Андріївський хрест. Це білий хрест на синьому тлі. За переказами Святої Андрей був покровителем Шотландії, якого розіпнули на аналогічному хресті. З такою кількістю річок, озер, високогір'я і зелених зон, ця країна славиться одними з найкрасивіших пейзажів в світі

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1)  Summer holidays are coming soon. I dream of having them like that.

Visit abroad. People are like my dream. For example, in Rome, wonder the great or in Paris to see firsthand the Eiffel Tower. Visit interesting museums and exhibition halls. Take lots of great photos. Buy souvenirs for memory. Get to know other people, feel the richness of various languages.

Someday my dream came true.

2)I remembered during the summer holidays that I went to the sea with my parents.

We swam there, had fun, sunbathing.

I really enjoyed my summer holidays, we fried kebab.

and when we arrived home we went to rest.

let's say.

I went to the sea with my parents and brother (sister), and there we saw a huge crab. We swam and frolic, and at sunset my dad made a fire, and we roasted marshmallows)

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