1. I'm going to introduce you to the material of the sign language. 2. I think that the knowledge of corporate behavior characteristics will help me succeed in my career. 3. On Friday, we have a party with colleagues. 4. I will be working in a large company, earn a good salary. 5. On Friday, I will have an interview with a potential employer. I am very worried. 6. I'm going to gather some information about the company, to come for an interview in advance, to prepare a list of questions that interest me. 7. I will not work for a company where there are no appropriate conditions where employers can not motivate their employees, where there is no opportunity to develop. 8. A month later, I'm leaving for an internship in China. For three weeks I will study economics, finance system and, of course, Chinese. 9. All classes will be held in English. 10. As soon as I arrive, I was promoted to head of department.
Какую комнату ты хотел бы иметь? Представь, что вы сделали в комнате изменения. Нарисуй картинки. Напиши, что ты изменил. Опиши эти вещи. Используй глаголы из рамочки.(перекрасить, красить, украсить, поставить)
I have painted the door light-brown I have put my wardrobe on the left near the bookcase I have painted the floor orange. I have decorated the wall with the carpet. I have repainted the floor light-brown. I have put the carpet on the floor near the wardrobe. I have put my bed near the desk. I have put my desk near the window.