1. Somewhere in the world a volcano erupts every two minutes.2 The most powerful earthquake on record (9.3 on the Richter scale) occurred in Greece. 3 The city of Venice has been destroyed by floods more than twice in its hictory.4 In Australia forest fires are necessary for trees to reproduce.5 The Sahara is the largest desert in the world.6 The Amazon is the biggest rainforest in the world. 7 The African elephant is an endangered species.8 All snakes are a protected species in Australia, which means it is illegal to kill them.9 The natural habitat of the tiger Africa. 10 The Tasmanian Tiger, which became extinct in the 20 th century, is in fact a type of dog.
1 I began making plans for future when I was at school. 2 I have always known the areas I am good at and it was easy for me to make a quick decision. 3 Yes, of course. My parents, friends and Internet helped me to make my choice. 4 I think and I see that working and studying at the same time is not only my desire but also desire of many employers. It allows me to gain some experience and earn a little money. 5 My future profession is a doctor. 6 Everyone knows that good health is very important fact of people's life. People can often get sick and they need qualified help. Besides, you can know many harmful things as a doctor, which can be bad for your personal health and you can choose which goods are good. 7 TV reporter must be very communicative, impudent, able to establish contact with different people, have well-organized speech and opinion on many issues, presentable appearance, as well. 8 To become qualified doctor you need to know the following subjects, Math, Chemistry, Biology and, of course, Russian. 9 For profession of a doctor it is not so necessary to know English. However, if you want to increase your professional qualification and work at prestegious medical centre or cooperate with foreign colleagues you will not make it without English knowledge. Most medical publications initially become available in English. 10 Even now I know that this job is very interesting for me and I will make my best to make it well-paid.
+many friends
+many information
-not many time
-not many speaking