Утвердительные предложения
There is somebody in my flat.
В моей квартире кто–то есть.
Somebody must do something about it.
Кто–то должен что–то сделать по этому поводу.
Somebody is going to do that.
Кто–то собирается это сделать.
Отрицательные предложения
There isn't anybody in my flat.
В моей квартире никого нет.
They shouldn't see anybody.
Они не должны никого увидеть.
We cannot find anybody.
Мы не можем никого найти.
Отрицательные предложения, образованные с
There is nobody in my flat.
В моей квартире никого нет.
Nobody must do anything about it.
Никто не должен ничего делать по этому поводу.
Nobody is going to do that.
Никто не собирается этого делать.
Вопросительные предложения
Is there anybody in your flat?
В вашей квартире есть кто–нибудь?
Can anybody come here?
Кто–нибудь может сюда войти?
Is anybody going to do that?
Кто–нибудь собирается это сделать?
Healty lifestyle means that we should eat healty food. We must avoid fast foods and sweets, but eat more fruit and vegetables. It's quite good to take vitamins and drink mineral water, at least 2 liters a day.
We should go in for sports and do exercises every day. It's necessary to walk much and spend more time outdoors.
We shouldn't go to bed too late, but sleep no less than 8 hours .
We shouldn't watch too much TV and spend hours surfing the Internet.
Many peoples nowadays are under a lot of stress.They must learn to be calm and relax .
We mustn't smoke and drink alcohol.
And certainly we shouldn't forget about hygiene. Every child knows that he must wash his hands before eating and take a shower every day.