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ответить на вопросы ambient divers, unlike divers who go underwater in submersible vehicles or pressure resistant suits, are exposed to the pressure and temperature of the surrounding (ambient) water. of all types of diving, the oldest and simplest is free diving. free divers may use no equipment at all, but most use a face mask, foot fins, and a snorkel. under the surface, free divers must hold their breath. most free divers can only descend 30 to 40 feet, but some skilled divers can go as deep as 100 feet. scuba diving provides greater range than free diving. the word scuba stands for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. scuba divers swear metal tanks with compressed air or other breathing gases. when using ,open-circuit equipment, a scuba diver simply breathes air from the tank i through a hose and releases the exhaled air into the water. a closed-circuit breathing device, also called a rebreather, filters out carbon dioxide and other harmful gases and automatically adds oxygen. this enables the diver to breathe the same air over and over. in surface-supplied diving, divers wear helmets and waterproof canvas suits. today, sophisticated plastic helmets have replaced the heavy copper helmets used in the past. these divers get their air from a hose connected to compressors on a boat. surface-supplied divers can go deeper than any other type of ambient diver. statements 1. the passage mainly discusses: a) going underwater in submersible vehicles; b) free diving; c) surface-supplied diving; d) various types of diving.2. the passage implies that the oldest type of diving is called: a) ambient diving; b) scuba diving; c) free diving; d) pearl diving. 3. it may be inferred from the passage that all divers: a) use no equipment at all; b) use sophisticated equipment; c) submerge; d) surface. 4. according to the text most free divers use: a) a snorkel, a face mask and hand fins; b) a face mask, foot fins, and a snorkel; c) a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus; d) a snorkel, back fins and helmet. 5. the word "ambient" in line one may most probably mean the following: a) underwater; b) encompassing; c) resistant; d) submersible. 6. one can make a conclusion that most free divers can reach the depth of: a) 10 yards; b) 20 yards; c) 30 yards; d) 40 yards. 7. while going underwater a scuba diver wears: a) a canvas hose; b) a plastic helmet; c) rebreathers; " d) metal tanks. 8. it can be seen from the passage that the rebreather filters out: a) carbon dioxide; b) detrimental gases; c) inert gases; d) open-circuit gases. 9. the passage states that the diver can breathe: a) the same air over and over; b) raw oxygen; c) carbon dioxide; d) other harmful gases. 10. the passage implies that in surface-supplied diving, divers wear: a) intricate canvas helmets; b) sophisticated copper helmets; c) sophisticated plastic helmets; d) heavy copper helmets.

1d 2c 3c 4b 5b 6c 7d 8a 9b 10c
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1. What have I bought?
2. Who has started a new job?
3. Where have they gone?
1. Who has done many different jobs?
2. Who has traveled to many places?
3. What have we done?
4. What have I written?
5. Who have they met?
6. How many times have you been married?
1. I have not bought a new car.
2. My father has not started a new job.
3. Charles and Sarah have not gone to Brasil.
1. She has not done many different jobs.        
2. He has not traveled to many places.
3. We have not done a lot of interesting things.
4. I have not written ten books.
5. They have not meet a lot of interesting people.
6. You have not been married five times.
4,6(45 оценок)

Everyday something happens in our life. We wake up, brush teeth, wash ourselves, comb hair, go to school, to an office by path or bus and e.tc but we don`t even have a clue that these simple things might turn into a huge threat.

Everyday there is a 0.1% chance of becoming a part of any types of deadly accidents. This 0.1% also includes a possibility of being kidnapped and sent to a desert.

If i had been privileged to take a part in such a situation, the first thing i would have done is to keeping myself cool. Panic is one of the most dangerous parts of any survival situation, so if you're able to calmly assess your predicament and work out your next steps, you'll be able to head off a wild rush to get out of wherever you are (and possibly into a much worse situation).

When i calmed myself down, then i would try to get under cover. Finding shade or constructing a shade shelter is one of the first priorities for desert survival, as keeping out of the direct sun and not exerting yourself in the heat of the day will help to conserve water.

When my shelter has had built, i would have founded some water sources, make up a bandana(so that my mouth would be always shut and i wouldn`t loose a moisture out of it, preventing myself from dehydration)

These are my tips and methods of surviving in a wild desert.

     Перевод: Каждый день в нашей жизни что-то случается. Мы просыпаемся, чистим зубы, моемся, расчёсываем волосы, ходим в школу или на работу, на автобусе либо же пешком, но мы даже и не подозреваем о том, что эти простые вещи могут оказаться огромной угрозой для нашей жизни.

  Каждый день в нашей жизни имеет место быть 0,1% шанса стать частью несчастного случая. Этот 0.1% включает в себя и возможность быть похищенным и выброшенным в пустыне.

 Если бы мне "посчастливилось" стать участником такого случая, то первая вещь которую я бы сразу попытался осуществить - это расслабиться, сделать несколько глубоких вдохов и выдохов. Паника - это самое ужасное, что может случиться в такой ситуации, поэтому, если вы в состоянии оценить своё неудачное положение и начать работать над своим планом то это уже огромный шаг к победе.  После того, как я расслабился, я бы попытался скрыться из виду, начав либо искать уютный тенёчек, либо же самому сконструировать убежище с защитой от солнца. По-скольку наша важная постоянная цель в пустыне - защитить себя от солнца и сберечь воду.

 После того, как моё убежище построено, я бы нашёл несколько водных источников, а потом сделал бы бандану(чтобы рот открывался меньше и я смог сберечь как можно больше влаги, дабы не подвергнуться обезвоживанию).

Это мои советы и методы по выживанию в дикой пустыне.

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