How was your trip at the USA ? Do you like it to cross there? How many russian people did you meet there ? Did you see mr. Obama ? Do you want to go there with me next year ?
1. How long was yout trip? 2. What kind of attractions did you see? 3. How many new friend you met? 4. In what cities you was? 5. What impression you had on the trip?
It was a beautiful spring day. Natalie was going along the street and looking at the strangers. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, but Natalie paid no attention to the wonders of nature. From her childhood Natalie was used to achieving what she wanted and she would work hard to earn money. Getting rich was her greatest ambition, and she spared no efforts to become rich and famous. She couldn’t waste time on anything else. Years passed. Natalie devoted her life to making a career and she neglected her family and friends. She lost interest in hobbies and it never came to her mind to take up some sport. She did reach her aim in the end but somehow she felt far from happy. One day she discovered her life was over. Natalie didn’t have children or friends, so by the time she had enough money to burn, she had no one to share it with. Natalie understood her main mistake and died with the words: “If I could live my life from the beginning, I would have devoted it to people instead of money.”
С детства наша жизнь связана с книгами. Сначала нам читают мамы, папы, бабушки. Чаще всего это сказки на ночь, небольшие стихи, которые заучиваются легко. Мы подрастает, выбираем книги для чтения сами. У меня есть любимая книга, которую могу перечитывать много раз. И я с уверенностью могу посоветовать прочитать её своим друзьям, знакомым. Эта книга «Маленький принц». Её написал французский писатель Антуан де Сент – Экзюпери. Он пишет о вечных проблемах человечества, о тех качествах, которые мешают людям жить: равнодушии, черствости, жадности, эгоизме. Благодаря этой сказке, я над многим задумалась и осознала, что надо сохранять в себе чистоту души, умение дружить, понимать другого человека в трудную минуту.
Do you like it to cross there?
How many russian people did you meet there ?
Did you see mr. Obama ?
Do you want to go there with me next year ?