для начало нужно определиться с темой, про какую профессию описывать будешь. потом составит план текста(так будет легче составлять). потом написать про какую профессию, ее минусы и плюсы,описать ее,написать где можно получить знания для этой профессии, и где можно работать.
можно добавить рисунки,наклейки,сделать красивый шрифт, написать красивым цветом(тут дело фантазии)
2. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. This is a pencil. The pencil is red. I have a ball. The ball is big. My brother has a dog. The dog is old. Timy has a flat. The flat is new. 4 Нираноеская Т.В. Грамматика английского языка Is this a pen? No, it isn’t a pen, it’s a pencil. My sister has two children. Her children are at home. Is your friend at home? — No, he is at work. My son has no bicycle. This is our room. The room is large. There are books there. The books are interesting. 1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. Give me a book, please. We have a son and a daughter. I have three sisters. This is a pen. It is his pen. l have no pencil. My brother’s watch is bad. She wrote a letter to her mother. This is my sister. My sister is ten. They bought a car last week. This is a book. The book is new. упр. 3. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. This is my desk. On the desk I have a book, a pen, two pencils. Those are his pens. The pens are red. This is a bag. The bag is black. This is my brother’s ball. The ball is red and blue. He has a child. His child is six. Are your parents at home? — No, they are at work. I read a book. The book was interesting. I have a daughter. My daughter is a pupil. Is this book new? He gave me a red apple. The apple was tasty.
This is a pencil. The pencil is red. I have a ball. The ball is big. My brother has a dog. The dog is old. Timy has a flat. The flat is new. Is this a pen? — No, it isn’t a pen, it’s a pencil. My sister has two children. Her children are at home. Is your friend at home? — No, he is at work. My son has no bicycle. This is our room. The room is large. There are some books. The books are interesting.
Give me a book, please. We have a son and a daughter. I have three sisters. This is a pen. It is his pen. l have no pencil. My brother’s watch is bad. She wrote a letter to her mother. This is my sister. My sister is ten. They bought a car last week. This is a book. The book is new.
This is my desk. On the desk I have a book, a pen, two pencils. Those are his pens. The pens are red. This is a bag. The bag is black. This is my brother’s ball. The ball is red and blue. He has a child. His child is six. Are your parents at home? — No, they are at work. I read a book. The book was interesting. I have a daughter. My daughter is a pupil. Is this book new? He gave me a red apple. The apple was tasty.
для начало нужно определиться с темой, про какую профессию описывать будешь. потом составит план текста(так будет легче составлять). потом написать про какую профессию, ее минусы и плюсы,описать ее,написать где можно получить знания для этой профессии, и где можно работать.
можно добавить рисунки,наклейки,сделать красивый шрифт, написать красивым цветом(тут дело фантазии)