Упражнение 1.
1. was copying /were describing
2. were cleaning
3. was waiting
4. were skiing/were skating/was having
5. was getting
6. were feeding/were making
Упражнение 2.
Предложения в Past Continuous :
Dad was still watching it at 7.30. Mum was sitting
in the kitchen. She was quietly reading a woman’s magazine. Rosie was trying on her
Mum’s clothes in her room. Nick’s cousins were listening to rock music. At 7.30 the dogs were lying in front of the fire and they were
sleeping. So at 7.30 he was still
В 7 часов матч начался по телевизору, так что папа все еще смотрел его в 7.30. Мама сидела
на кухне. Она тихонько читала женский журнал. Рози примеряла ее
Мамина одежда в ее комнате. Двоюродные братья Ника слушали рок-музыку. Это было очень громко, так что
они не слышали грохота. В 7.30 собаки лежали перед огнем и спали. Ник пошел в сад со своим другом поиграть в футбол. Итак, в 7.30 он все еще был
Упражнение 1.
1) .. I was copying... my friends were describing a...
2) ... the children were cleaning..
3) She was waiting for...
4) Some of the children were skiing while other children were skating. Everybosy was having a...
5) ... the family was getting everything... Bob and Helen were decorating the... 6) The girls were feeding the... the boys were making a...
Упражнение 2
Матч начался по телевизору в 7 часов, поэтому папа еще смотрел телевизор в 07.30. Мама сидела на кухне. Она спокойно читала женский журнал. Рози примеряла мамину одежду в своей комнате. Двоюродные братья Ника слушали рок - музыку. Она играла очень громко, поэтому они не слышали грохота. В 07.30 собаки лежали возле камина (огня) и спали. Ник с другом пошел в сад играть в футбол. Поэтому в 07.30 он еще был там.
So Dad was still watching TV at 07.30. Mum was sitting in the kitchen. She was reading a magazine. Rosie was trying on her Mum's clothes in her room. Nick's cousins were listening to rock music. The dogs were lying in front of the fire and they were sleeping.
Упражнение 3.
1. ...Dad was still watching TV.
2)... was reading a magazine.
3) they were listening to rock music.
4) The dogs were sleeping in front of the fire when the noise woke them up.
5) Nick was playing football with his friend.
Упражнение 4.
1) Where were the white bears swimming?
2) Was it raining?
3) What was the elephant eating?
What was the monkey playing with?
5) How many lions were sleeping in the cage?
Past Continuous - время, действие которого происходило в определенный момент в .
I/he/she/it +was+ глаголing
We/you/they +were+глаголing
2) What show can thay see?Что мы увидим если они откроют это?
3)What place is the hisstory trip to?Что это за место в исторической поездке?
4) Where is the cinema?Какое это кино?
5)When can children go on the trip?___Может ли ребёнок путешествовать или ехать?
6)What time is the cometitio at?___
7) Where is the match?___Что это за матч?
8) Where is the fair?___Что горит?
9) what film can children watch?___Какой фильм может посмотреть рёбенок?
10) Who will take part in the competition?___