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23.10.2022 13:34 •  Английский язык

Наступає понеділок і всі школярі відправляються до школи. ти приходиш а на тебе там вчителька.привітавшись сідаєш за парту і готуєшся до уроку.ось і пролунав дзвінок на урок.час дізнаватись щось нове.так і проходить день навчання у школі.а потім ти поспішаєш додому, де тебе чикають мама і тато. потім робиш уроки. і так проходить твоє шкільне життя! перекладіть на ангелійську

The Monday comes, and all the students go to school.
You come and there you are the teacher.Hello sit at the Desk and prepared for class.So the bell rang for class.Time to learn something new.And so passes a day in school.And then you hurry home, where you are waiting for mom and dad. Then do the lessons. And so goes your school life!
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1) The stranger’s smiling face was kind.
Обоснование: В данном случае используется Present Participle, так как описывается состояние (улыбающееся лицо) в момент рассказа.

2) The news brought by my friend was exciting.
Обоснование: Здесь используется Past Participle, так как подразумевается, что новости уже были принесены, и это произошло в прошлом.

3) Have you noticed the broken kitchen window?
Обоснование: В данном случае используется Past Participle, так как окно уже сломано, и это произошло в прошлом.

4) The class was busy working.
Обоснование: Здесь используется Present Participle, так как описывается действие (работа класса) в момент рассказа.

5) I love to look at playing children.
Обоснование: В данном случае используется Present Participle, так как описывается действие (играющие дети) в момент высказывания.

3) Образуйте V-ing форму.
1. I had a lot of trouble finding the book you wanted.
Обоснование: В данном случае формируется V-ing форма глагола "find" после глагола "had" для обозначения действия, которое произошло в прошлом и непосредственно относится к моменту высказывания.

2. In summer my brother and I go shopping in the Lake District.
Обоснование: Здесь формируется V-ing форма глагола "shop" после глагола "go" для обозначения действия, которое повторяется или является обычным в определенное время (летом).

3. The old ladies had a lot of fun looking through their school photographs.
Обоснование: В данном случае формируется V-ing форма глагола "look" после глагола "had" для обозначения действия, которое произошло в прошлом и было источником удовольствия.

4. My elder sister hates cooking, she prefers to eat out.
Обоснование: Здесь формируется V-ing форма глагола "cook" после глагола "hates" для обозначения действия, которое вызывает неприязнь или неудовольствие.

4) Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами.
1. All the people living in this house are students.
Обоснование: Вместо придаточного предложения "who live in this house" используется причастный оборот "living in this house" для краткости и экономии слов.

2. The woman speaking now is our secretary.
Обоснование: Вместо придаточного предложения "who is speaking now" используется причастный оборот "speaking now" для краткости и экономии слов.

3. The apparatus standing on the table in the corner of the laboratory is quite new.
Обоснование: Вместо придаточного предложения "that stands on the table in the corner of the laboratory" используется причастный оборот "standing on the table in the corner of the laboratory" для краткости и экономии слов.

4. The young man helping the professor in his experiments studies at our university.
Обоснование: Вместо придаточного предложения "who helps the professor in his experiments" используется причастный оборот "helping the professor in his experiments" для краткости и экономии слов.
4,5(17 оценок)
1. He lives in _the_ south of _Australia_. (We use "the" before a geographical region or a group of islands.)

2. In his novels Jack London, _a_ famous American writer, described _the_ life of _the_ poor. (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time and "the" when we refer to it again in the same context. Here, we mention Jack London for the first time and then refer to his novels.)

3. It seemed to him that nothing would break such _a_ peaceful silence. Suddenly there was _a_ scream, then _a_ second and _a_ third. (We use "a" before a countable noun when we refer to something for the first time or when we are discussing something indefinite.)

4. Can you play _the_ guitar? (We use "the" before musical instruments when talking about them in general.)

5. He came in one morning when we were having _dinner on _the_ terrace of _the_ hotel and introduced himself. (We use "the" before meals and places.)

6. _A_ world tour costs _a_ lot of money. (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

7. Did he fail you? What _a_ surprise! (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

8. I don't believe you. I think you're telling _a_ lie. (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

9. Did you have _a_ lovely time in _The_ Hague? (The word "The" is capitalized here as it is a part of the name "The Hague." We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

10. It was _an_ early evening but I was feeling sleepy so I decided to have _a_ nap. (We use "an" before a noun that begins with a vowel sound, and "a" before a noun that begins with a consonant sound. Here, "early" starts with the vowel sound of /i/ and "evening" starts with the consonant sound of /ɪ/.)

11. He made _a_ gross mistake. _The_ economists can't make such _mistakes. (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite. We use "the" before a plural noun when we want to refer to a specific group.)

12. Have _a_ look at the sky. It looks like _rain. (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

13. She'll have _a_ swim and return in _a_ quarter of _an_ hour. (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite. We use "an" before a noun that begins with a vowel sound. Here, "hour" starts with the vowel sound of /aʊ/.)

14. I'll have to convince him that I'm telling _the_ truth. (We use "the" before a singular noun when we refer to something specific.)

15. He wasn't used to driving on _the_ left. (We use "the" before a singular noun when we refer to something specific.)

16. _The_ Christmas Eve is on _the_ 24th of December. (We use "the" before unique events or specific days and dates.)

17. Don't worry, we'll get _home before _the_ sunset. (We use "the" before a singular noun when we refer to something specific.)

18. I'd like to have _a_ sandwich with _a_ sausage for _breakfast. (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

19. My favourite subject at _school was _biology. (We use "school" as a general concept without an article.)

20. He knows _the_ history of _the_ French Revolution well. (We use "the" before historical events or specific historical periods.)

21. To tell _the_ truth, I didn't expect to find _a_ homeless man here. (We use "the" before a noun when we refer to something specific. We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

22. It's _high time you stopped being so selfish. (We don't use an article before "high time.")

23. _The_ earth goes round _the_ sun. (We use "the" before celestial bodies and natural phenomena.)

24. _Lombard Street in _the_ City of London is _the_ centre of _banking in Great Britain. (We use "the" before unique streets, cities, and countries.)

25. _Queen Elizabeth _II won't speak on _the_ radio tomorrow. (We use "the" before unique titles.)

26. _The_ English Channel is between _Great Britain and _France. (We use "the" before unique bodies of water and geographical features.)

27. _Trafalgar Square is _the_ geographical centre of _London. (We use "the" before unique places.)

28. When _a_ student, Jane spent two years in _Europe. (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

29. _Pacific is _the_ largest ocean on our planet. (We use "the" before unique oceans and seas.)

30. Have you ever been to _the_ Museum of _Fine Arts? (We use "the" before unique museums and art galleries.)

31. Show me _the_ Bermuda on this map, please. (We use "the" before unique islands and geographical features.)

32. _The_ Mississippi is _the_ longest river in _the_ USA (We use "the" before unique rivers and countries.)

33. One of my classmates entered _the_ Moscow State University last year. As for me, I chose _the_ Higher School of _Economics. (We use "the" before unique universities and schools.)

34. _The_ Urals are old and not very high. (We use "the" before unique mountain ranges.)

35. We are just taking _the_ first steps into _space. _The_ universe is still terra incognita for us. (We use "the" before unique concepts.)

36. _The_ Russians have a wonderful folk song tradition. (We use "the" before nationalities.)

37. Why don't you eat with _a_ knife and _a_ fork? (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

38. They've been waiting to hear from him all _the_ month. (We use "the" before time periods.)

39. We met on _a_ wet Monday in _June. (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite. We use "in" before months.)

40. Look out! _The_ cat is on _the_ TV! (We use "the" before unique objects and devices.)

41. _The_ Queen Elizabeth had _a_ dinner with _the_ President Clinton. (We use "the" before unique titles and "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

42. _He_ was elected _the_ President in 1996. (We use "the" before unique positions or offices.)

43. Mr. Smith, _an_ engineer of Black & Co., returned from his trip to Malta. (We use "an" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

44. He sat to _his_ letter to _the_ Sun. (We use possessive pronouns to indicate possession. We use "the" before unique newspaper names.)

45. Mary was talking with _the_ Dodgers who were sitting near the fireplace. (We use "the" before a plural noun when we refer to a specific group or when they are unique.)

46. I saw _a_ beautiful Goya in Milan once. (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

47. He looked at me from _head to toe. (We don't use an article before body parts.)

48. I fought for _freedom, for the brotherhood of _man. (We don't use an article before abstract concepts.)

49. He is _a_ very sociable man. He always has many invitations to _dinner. (We use "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

50. On _the_ one hand, _the_ facts he presented are true, but on _the_ other hand, I can't trust them. I know he often tells _lies. (We use "the" before unique concepts and "a" before a singular noun when we mention it for the first time or when discussing something indefinite.)

51. He fell in love with her at _the_ first sight. (We use "the" before unique concepts.)

52. Don't take my words close to _the_ heart. (We use "the" before unique concepts.)

53. _The_ Moscow of the 1950s is not _the_ Moscow of the 1990s. (We use "the" before unique cities and time periods.)
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