Hello, everyone! My name is Paul Strogin. I am 9. I want to tell you about the school of my dream. The school of my dream is a beautiful and cozy school. It is really fashionable and well equipped. There is a large swimming pool and a big sports ground. There are soft carpets on the floor of the classrooms. Colourful pillows are on the chairs. It is warm and light at school. Every student has got his own computer on his desk. The school library is very rich in various interesting books. There is one large hall which is full of different musical instruments. They are available to students. The teachers are very kind, wise and talented. We often go to the concerts and visit the theatres. Besides, they organize excursions to Great Britain and these trips are absolutely free for the best students. And, at last, I want to say that there are no difficult tests and home tasks at my school. Everybody is healthy and happy.
Рыбные чипсы из магазинов Англии являются традиционной едой,нарасхват. Жареная рыба, политая маслом с жареным картофелем.Люди обожают это блюдо, добавляют соль , горох, помидоры кетчуп или карри соус. Есть тысячи магазинов рыбы и чипсовых магазинов всей Великобритании. Все туристы и местные жители посещают эти магазиныПирог и пюре является самыми традиционными блюдами Британии!А именно: пироги с мясом, с картофельным пюре с соусом.Первый такой магазин существует двести лет. Сегодня можно очень дешево поесть пироги и пюре в этих магазинах.