Remember to say: what appearance of models you like what makes some models more successful than others why models can be a bad example for young people’s lifestyle ответить на вопросы
I like models that look unusual. Plus-size, unisex, bright and recognisable characteristics make models stand out. I like when models embrace their imperfections and choose to use them as their widely recognised trademarks rather than hide them.
Their uniqueness, confidence and hard work makes them more successful. Many iconic models have their twist, for example Cara Delevinge's unique characteristic is her thick eyebrows, while Cindy Crowford's is her mole above the upper lip. Many successful models were told to remove their imperfections but instead they decided to fight the system and use them to their advantage.
However, some models take it too far. There are some dangerously overweight or skinny models that can set a bad example for young teenagers. While being unique and promoting 'body positivity' is a great thing, some iconic models should understand that many people look up to them so being too overweight or too underweight is unhealthy and can make many easily-motivated teenagers fallow the lifestyle
Once, I met my girlfriend Lisa in the park. She was going to the library. She had a few books in her hands. We sat down on a bench. Lisa told me that she had read the book and remembered an interesting story. It was a book by A. Green called "Crimson Sails". It tells a story of a girl named Assol. She lived with her father. They were poor. Gonna dreamt about a prince who would sail up to her in a boat with crimson sails. And one day her dream came true. The prince arrived in a ship with crimson sails and took her to his castle. This way the story ends. I liked the story very much. I went with Lisa to the library and took the book "Crimson Sails".
На главную » Грамматика » Косвенная речь (Reported speech / Indirect speech)Косвенная речь (Reported speech / Indirect speech)Косвенная речь (Reported speech) – это передача чьих-то слов без точного их цитирования, в отличие от прямой речи (direct speech). Косвенною речь часто ещё называют просто непрямой речью (Indirect speech) и значительно реже, когда indirect discourse. Стоит отметить, что обычно используют именно косвенную речь, значительно реже прямую. Сравните (обратите внимание, что в непрямой речи изменяется время главного глагола): He said, “I am going to watch TV.” - передача прямой речи.He said (that) he was going to watch TV. – изменение прямой речи в косвенную.She said, “I want to buy a car.” – прямая речьShe said (that) she wanted to buy a car. – косвенная речьAnna said, “I don’t like shopping.” – прямая речьAnna said (that) she didn’t like shopping. – косвенная речьСоюз that можно “опустить”, то есть, можно сказать: Steve said that he was feeling ill. или так Steve said he was feeling ill.В любом случае всегда обращайте внимание на структуру и звучание предложения, например не стоит использовать два that в одном предложении, а также, если чувствуете, что Вас могут не понять. Также если Вы не уверены в том, можно ли вставить союз that в данное предложение, то лучше тогда его не использовать. Однако в официальной речи уместнее употреблять союз that. Но перейдём собственно к тому, как правильно изменять временную форму глаголов в косвенной речи.
Their uniqueness, confidence and hard work makes them more successful. Many iconic models have their twist, for example Cara Delevinge's unique characteristic is her thick eyebrows, while Cindy Crowford's is her mole above the upper lip. Many successful models were told to remove their imperfections but instead they decided to fight the system and use them to their advantage.
However, some models take it too far. There are some dangerously overweight or skinny models that can set a bad example for young teenagers. While being unique and promoting 'body positivity' is a great thing, some iconic models should understand that many people look up to them so being too overweight or too underweight is unhealthy and can make many easily-motivated teenagers fallow the lifestyle