The cadets have practical studies in the specialized classrooms перевод: курсанты проходят практические занятия в специализированных аудиториях нужно переделять с этого текста на вопросы по
1) Where the cadets have a partical studies ? Где студенты проводят практические занятия? 2) What does the cadets do in specialized classrom ? Что студенты делают в специализированных аудиториях ? 3) Who have a partical studies in the specialized classroms ? Кто проходит практические занятия в специализированных аудиториях ?
Африка бедная страна.Там имена дают детям дожившим до 10 лет.В Африке большая смертность.В отличие от России,в Африке нету,не медицины,не счастливых людей.Властям глубоко наплевать на жизнь граждан.Так как живут сейчас в Африке,в России возможно жили так только во время ВОв.Также очень большая населённость,и почти все люди там бедные.Там нету не законов,не правил,вообщем запущенная страна для тех кому не повезло.
Africa is a poor country.There names give children surviving to 10 years.In Africa, high mortality.Unlike Russia,Africa,no, not medicine,not happy people.The authorities do not care for the lives of citizens.As I live now in Africa,maybe in Russia it lived only during the second world war.Also a very large population,and almost all the people there are poor.There are no laws,no rules,generally in a neglected state for those who are not lucky.
I often asked myself about person who has influenced my life the most, so I can confidently say that this person is my mother. Love at first sight exists because I have loved my mother since I opened my eyes. My mother’s name is Olga. She has been living in Ternopil for more than 30 years. She used to be a dressmaker. I remember when I were coming to her workroom, looking as she was making dresses. She made the most beautiful dresses, I had ever seen. Moreover, my mother had been reading me the fairy tales for hours, when I didn’t sleep at night. She was my first teacher. She has been teaching me everything since I was young. And now my mother also helps me , gives me advice, takes care of me, shows me the right way, always supports me greatly and does many things just for me. She has always told me to be who I am. She is trying to find new ways and ideas to improve her family’s life because she wants the best for us. Now my mother is nurse. She loves her job so much. My mother is kind of person everyone looks up to in his/ her community. “I want to be like Mrs. Olga” said our neighbours very often because my mother had touched the lives of so many people. My mother can be described as a kind hearted, caring and loving soul. She is still a best friend, I think, she is the greatest psychologist that I have known. She has always told me: “No matter what happens to you in life pick yourself up and keep going strong as you were.” She also says “What don't hurt you makes you stronger.”There is a woman who takes an important part in my life and changes my thoughts and actions. I am a happy person because I have such a great mother.
2) What does the cadets do in specialized classrom ? Что студенты делают в специализированных аудиториях ?
3) Who have a partical studies in the specialized classroms ? Кто проходит практические занятия в специализированных аудиториях ?