Ask your friend about her visit to: buckingham palace, the london eye, a theme park. answer her questions. monday 15th. the london eye. super. tuesday 16th. buckingham palace. learnt a lot. wednesday 17th. alton towers. very exciting.
-how was your trip? - It was great, ihave visited a lot of places -which ones? -Buckingham Palace, the London Eye and a theme park - when did you was there? -15 th,16th,17th - Which place was the best one? - I think LOndon eye was the best, it was fantastic. I have seen all London from it
1) I am reading book all day. ( я читаю книгу весь день) 2) I am watching TV with friends. ( Я смотрю телевизор с друзьями) 3) He is dreaming all night ( Я мечтаю всю ночь) 4) My mum is cooking for us. ( Моя мама готовит для нас) 5) She is looking at me all lesson ( Она смотрит на меня весь урок)
1) I can speak English ( я умею разговаривать на английском) 2) I go for a walk with brother. ( Я гуляю с друзьями) 3) We read book ( Мы читаем книгу) 4) She looks beautiful (Она выглядит красиво) 5) He smel good (Он хорошо пахнет)
Taking a walk in the park could help those suffering from depression, researchers have found.They studied whether a nature walk could improve the mood of people with clinical depression.The research also tested theories developed in a cognitive science field known as Attention Restoration Theory, which propose that people concentrate better after spending time in nature or looking at natural scenes.According to ART, those in peaceful settings are not bombarded with external distractions, which tax their working memory and attention systems.As a result, the brain can relax and enter a state of contemplation, which helps restore cognitive capacities.For the latest study, 20 people with clinical depression – 12 women and eight men, with an average age of 26 – took part in an experiment that involved walking in a quiet nature setting and in a noisy urban setting.Before their walks, participants completed testing to determine their cognitive and mood status, and were asked to think about an unresolved, painful memory.They were then told to go for an hour-long walk in a woodland park, or stroll along a busy street.
- It was great, ihave visited a lot of places
-which ones?
-Buckingham Palace, the London Eye and a theme park
- when did you was there?
-15 th,16th,17th
- Which place was the best one?
- I think LOndon eye was the best, it was fantastic. I have seen all London from it