Hello friend! im writing to you in connection with what my best friend is died. its bad i know but i need to tell it someone. so. i want to know how are you? whats happens in your life since i met your last time? write me soonbye(name)дорогой вася , я хочу рассказать тебе что моя семья сегодня делает. я сейчас сижу и делаю уроки . чтобы получить завтра хорошую оценку . моя мама варит суп вместе с бабушкой . потому что мама не умеет готовить суп .по этому бабушка маме варить суп. дедушка читает утреннюю газету. чтобы знать что происходит в стране . мой папа на работе . он ходит на работу чтобы заработать деньги . надеюсь тебе понравился мой рассказ .твой друг саша .
- Hi! - Hey! Can i ask you? - Yep - Are you free at friday's night? I think, we can go to the concert, if you want - I will be glad to do that. Which band plays? - It's Rock'nroll band. They dont have they own music. They play... Like... Cover, something like that. - Rock? Oh, you know, i don't really like it. Sorry. - Oh, im so sad i heard that. OK, maybe you know some another concert? i mean, i just want to go somewhere with you. - I really want to go to the premiere of one film. I think you heard about it. It s called in Space. - Yes, yes! I heard about this film! Do you have a tickets? I think, if you don't have, our date is cancel, because it's already sold out! -You are joking? Of course i have it! -Wonderful! Then, see you tomorrow at...? When its start? - 9 pm i guess. Anyway, i ll call ypu! Dont worry