My favorite dish is Pasta with chicken in egg-sour cream sauce.
Pasta — 200 g
Chicken fillet - 350 g
Chicken egg — 3 pieces
Sour cream - 200 g
Mustard — 2 tsp
Butter - 50 g
Dill - to taste
Salt - to taste
Allspice - to taste
Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and fry in a hot frying pan with salt and pepper until tender. It will take no more than five minutes.
Boil the pasta in salted water until ready, as indicated on the package. Flip it into a colander. I have a paste in the form of wide ribbons.
While the pasta is cooking, we will prepare the sauce. Boil the eggs in advance. Peel the boiled eggs and grate them on a fine grater. Melt butter in a deep saucepan, add sour cream, grated eggs, mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil and add chopped dill.
Add chicken and pasta to the sauce. Mix well and warm over medium heat for a minute.
The pasta is ready.
translation is necessary
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2 группа (неправильные):
1) Leonardo did not work in Italy
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in France
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?3) Leonardo was not a genius
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?3) Leonardo was not a geniuswho was not Leonardo?
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?3) Leonardo was not a geniuswho was not Leonardo?4) He did not construct a calculator
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?3) Leonardo was not a geniuswho was not Leonardo?4) He did not construct a calculatorthat he did not construct?
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?3) Leonardo was not a geniuswho was not Leonardo?4) He did not construct a calculatorthat he did not construct?5) Leonardo did not write backwards in "mirror writing."
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?3) Leonardo was not a geniuswho was not Leonardo?4) He did not construct a calculatorthat he did not construct?5) Leonardo did not write backwards in "mirror writing."what Leonardo did not do backwards?
She can help in trend situation.
Мой любимый супер-герой - Женщина Кошка. Она может в трудной ситуации!