I spend my summer holidays at my granny’s. There are many things there to do. What I did most of the time - I swam in the sea and sunbathed. Sometimes I made a fire with my friends at the seaside and cooked potatoes there. It was wonderful. We told anecdotes to each other, and did everything we wanted. I also got used to walk alone in the forest.
When August was coming to its end, I went on a small voyage by ship. The ship name was “Sevastopol”.
But this summer wasn’t for me only sugar and honey. I have passed through the graduating exams after school and entering exams in the university. So the bigger part of my summer vacations I spent sitting with the books. Of course, it was not interesting, but I’m glad that I did it because now I’m a student of the best university in our country.
My room. I live in a flat and i sink my room is a best in our flat.There is not many furnicha in it.I have a bed on the right of my room.There is a TVset on the cornet of the room.There are a two(2) wordrowb on the left of my room. A table next to bed.A pikcher on the wall.A standart lamp on thе cornet of the room.Therr is a cupet on the middle of the room. There are a cutans on the window.
Моя комната. я живу в квартире и думаю что моя комната самая лутшая в ней. В ней не много мебели.Кровать стоит справа моей комнаты.Телевизор в углу комнаты.Два шкафа слева моей комнаты.Стол рядомс кроватью.Картина на стене.Стандартная лампа в углу комнаты.Ковёр в середине комнаты.Шторы на окне.
I get up at 7.00 a.m. First, I go to the bathroom and wash my face. Then, I go to the kitchen and have a breakfast. After that I go to school. At school I read, write, talk with friends. .. After school, I go home and do my homework. In the evening I play games or watcn TV. My bedtimr is at 22.00 перевод. я встаю в 7 утра. сначала я иду в ванну умываться. затем я иду на кухню и завтракаю. после этого я иду в школу. в школе я читаю, пишу, разговариваю с друзьями...после школы я иду домой и делаю домашнее задание. вечером (забыла что значит evening, так что если что переведи это слово сам(а) ) я играю в игпы или смотрю телевизор. Я ложусь спать в 22.00.
When August was coming to its end, I went on a small voyage by ship. The ship name was “Sevastopol”.
But this summer wasn’t for me only sugar and honey. I have passed through the graduating exams after school and entering exams in the university. So the bigger part of my summer vacations I spent sitting with the books. Of course, it was not interesting, but I’m glad that I did it because now I’m a student of the best university in our country.