1) In the 21-st century machines have become very important. But they have still many disadvantages. People were divided into two types: some for canceling cars in the city center, others against canceling.
2) To begin with, if cars are canceled in the city center, the number of acidents will be much less. Also, many parts of the car, due to the negligence of the owners, end up in reservoirs, forest reserves. I can notice that if there are no cars, then gas stations will be closed and there will be a place for a more important object.
3) On the other hand, banning cars is a bad idea as they are fast and comfortable. You can very quickly get from one location to another. For many people, cars are income and if they are banned, people will be left without income. Delivery to stores is also carried out using cars, so there is no way without them .
4) Summarize, I can confidently say that banning cars is a bad idea, since you cannot do without them at the present time. they have become an integral part of our life.
Никола́й Ива́нович Крыло́в (16 [29] апреля 1903, село Голяевка, Саратовская губерния[1] — 9 февраля 1972, Москва) — советский военачальник, дважды Герой Советского Союза, Маршал Советского Союза. В 1961—1972 — член ЦК КПСС.
Николай Иванович Крылов
Дата рождения
29 апреля 1903
Место рождения
Голяевка, Тамалинская волость, Балашовский уезд, Саратовская губерния, Российская империя
Дата смерти
9 февраля 1972 (68 лет)
Место смерти
Москва, СССР
Род войск
Сухопутные войска,
Годы службы
Маршал Советского Союза
a) the scottish
b) the mongolians
c) the irish
d) the people of Thailand