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23.05.2021 02:14 •  Английский язык

Переведите . [id3260500: bp-12648877_554838|марина], марина, это было 2 месяца назад.девушка гуляла по парку и увидела красивого парня.он был одет в белую майку, черные кроссовки и белые кроссовки.у него были короткие светлые волосы и худощавое тело. он сидел на скамейке и кушал мороженное. парень встал и направился к ней.когда они столкнулись, то её футболка запачкалась. парень произнёс: -простите , я могу вам ? меня зовут джон дженни ответила -ничего страшного, я сама вас не заметила.меня зовут дженни так и завязался их разговор.они провели вместе всё время до вечера и они обменялись номерами телефона. они начали общаться, постоянно гулять и ходить на пикники . через месяц дженни познакомила джона со своей лучшей подругой эмили, и они иногда проводили время втроем. эмили была высокой девушкой, блондинкой со спортивной фигурой.подруги часто рассказывали друг другу секреты и ходили на шопинг. сегодня утром дженни решила позвонить джону и ей ответила эмили.дженни спросила почему джон не ответил и почему эмили с ним.тогда её подруга и рассказала, что они с джоном любят друг друга.дженни ей не поверила и подумала, что она шутит.и вот сейчас позвонив джону и узнав, что эмили говорила правду, дженни вспомнила всё про джона и просто положила трубку. она никогда больше не сможет доверять людям,после предательства самых близких.

That was 2 months ago. Girl walked in the park and saw the beautiful boy.He was dressed in a white shirt, black sneakers. He had short blond hair and thin body. He sat on a bench and ate ice cream. The guy stood up and walked to the ney. When they encountered, its soiled shirt.

The guy said:

Excuse me please, can I help you? My name is John

Jenny said,

-Do Not worry, I myself do not see it.My name is Jenny

So they got into a talk.They were together all the time till the evening, and they exchanged phone numbers. They began to talk, walk and constantly go on picnics. A month later, Jenny introduced John to her best friend, Emily, and they sometimes spent time threesome. Emily was a tall girl, blonde and sportku . Girlfriends often told each other secrets and went on shopping.

This morning, Jenny decided to call John and she said Emili. Dzhenni asked why John did not answer, and why Emily nim. So her friend told her that he and John loved each other.Dzhenni did not believe her and thought she was here shutit.I Now called John and knew that Emily was telling the truth, Jenny remembered everything about John and just hung up.

She would never be able to trust the people, after the betrayal of those closest.
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1. We pollute the air with gases and smoke, poison the water with chemicals and other … and damage the soil with too many fertilizers.
B) substances
2. People also pollute their … in various ways.
C) surroundings
3. A lot of transport in our streets … the air with the noise.
D) pollutes
4. Environment pollution is one of the most serious problems … humanity today.
D) facing
5. Environment pollution … global warming, destruction of the ozone layer, and other disastrous processes.
A) causes
6. Air, water and soil – all harmed by pollution- are necessary to the … of all living creatures.
C) survival
7. Pollution of soil … the amount of land available for growing crops.
B) reduces
8. This problem is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that … people.
D) benefit
9. Exhaust from cars causes a large … of air pollution.
D) percentage
10. Factories … jobs for people and produce goods that people want.
A) provide
11. Factories and plants … much of the material that pollutes air and water.
A) discharge
12. Fertilizers and pesticides can ruin the soil but they are necessary … for growing of crops.
C) aids
13. Pollution can be gradually …
B) reduced
14. People should …laws that require factories to stop or reduce polluting activities.
C) enforce
15. International agreements ban most testing of nuclear … in the atmosphere.
B) weapons
4,6(4 оценок)

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

1. to throw away

b) to get rid of

2. rubbish

a) trash

3. to protect

c) to save

4. vital (problems)

b) crucial

5. to disappear

a) to die out



1. You shouldn't use your car because it causes noise and air pollution.

2. This notice can be seen at the zoo or at the circus to protect people from danger.

3. He wants to become an ecologist himself to research and protect the environment.

4. Recently, however, our beach has become more polluted with litter left by tourists and locals.

5. Our forests are disappearing because they are cut down or burnt.

6. Your family can begin trying to save the Earth right now.

7. If you go the seaside, you'll see the pollution around you.

8. If people hadn't invented different machines and developed industry, the environmental problems wouldn't have appeared.

9. Why is litter so dangerous in the countryside?

10. When you buy packed goods, don't drop the packaging.



1. If you want to be healthy, you should care about the protection of the environment.

2. If we want to protect our environment, lots of things should be changed in our life, but first of all should improve ecological education.

3. Sometimes fish die out in rivers because plants and factories throw chemical waste there.

4. People should be fined for dropping litter and rubbish collection should be made more often along our beach.

5. Very little of recycling material is actually recycled.



1. THE Nile flows to THE Mediterranean Sea.

2. There are small islands in THE Pacific Ocean.

3. THE Hymalayas are the highest mountains in -- Asia.

4. -- Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

5. -- Glasgow is one of the biggest cities in THE United Kingdom.

6. THE Red Sea is between -- Africa and -- Asia.

7. -- Great Britain is situated in THE British Isles.


V. Choose the correct translation of the sentences.

1. If he had worked hard, he would have achieved great progress.

с) Если бы он работал тогда усердно, он добился бы больших успехов.

2. If I got this book, I would be happy.

b) Если бы у меня была эта книга, я была бы счастлива.

3. If you had gone to the theatre last week, you would have enjoyed the evening.

b) Если бы ты сходил в театр на неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.



1. If I (knew) the result now, I would phone her immediately.

2. If I (were) you, I would stay at home.

3. If you (hadn't missed) the train, you would have arrived in time.

4. If they had known it before, they (would have taken) measures.

5. Your brother (would become) much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.

6. If he were a first-class sportsman now, he (not train) enough last year. (странное предложение) Правильнее будет:

If he had trained enough last year, he would be a first-class sportsman now.

7. If I (had written) the composition yesterday, I would be free now.



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