В больших магазинах также есть эскалаторы, которые доставляют покупателей на разные этажи. Товары для продажи находятся на прилавках, чтобы их было легко увидеть. В отделе женской одежды вы можете найти платья, костюмы, блузки, юбки, пальто, красивое нижнее белье и многое другое. В отделе мужской одежды вы можете выбрать костюмы, брюки, пальто, галстуки и т. д. В отделе трикотажа можно купить свитера, кардиганы, пуловеры с короткими и длинными рукавами, шерстяные куртки. В косметическом отделе продаются парфюмерия, кремы для лица и пудры, помады, лосьоны, гели для душа, мыло, шампуни.
The person I admire most is Angelina Jolie. She was born on 4th June 1975 and grew up in Los Angeles where her father worked as an actor. She studied at Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute and acted in theatre and music videos.
Later, she worked as a model in London and New York before becoming a famous Hollywood actor. She has starred in many great films.
The reason I admire Angelina is because she is a great actor. She is also very brave because she does her own stunts sometimes. I also admire her because she does a lot of work to help poor and sick children around the world and gives a lot of money to charity.
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When do Mark and Peter play hockey?
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Mister Jameson bought 2 packets of cereal at the shop last Friday, didn’t he?
Did Mr. Jameson buy two packets of cereal at the shop last Friday?
Did Mr. Jameson buy two packets of cereal or a bar of soap at the shop last Friday?
What did Mister Jameson buy at the shop last Friday?
What did Mister Jameson do last Friday?
Who bought two packets of cereal at the shop last Friday?
When did Mister Jameson buy two packets of cereal at the shop?
How many packets of cereal did Mister Jameson buy at the shop last Friday?
Where did Mr. Jameson buy two packets of cereal at the shop last Friday?