He hates travelling by HIMSELF. I planted these flowers MYSELF. Jane cooked dinner all by HERSELF. Help YOURSELF to coffee and biscuits, girls. Did someone give this book to you? – No, I have bought it MYSELF . Don’t disturb Steve. He wants to be by HIMSELF for a while. It was nice to meet you, Jude. Take care of YOURSELF . My little son already dresses HIMSELF though he is only three.
I am social person but I have never being one that mixes around in a lot of circles. I have a few friends and that is of course inclusive of my dog "snoopy". I love snoopy because because even if am in my twenties , he sure knows how to bring out the toddler in me.but not every day is sunny , there are days that he really annoys me, especially days when I am with my girlfriend Betty . When snoopy sees me with Betty he starts to bark at her because I think he gets jealous. Me and Betty go way back in history , she has always been there for me - we share a love that is beyond the word it self .she is a friend and the love of my life until death does us apart-I will never leave her side. But then again not every is sunshine and rainbows . Betty annoys me when she goes out with her friends on a night out and doesn't pick up her phone because she loves to dance and not to be disturbed .but despite our differences we come together everyday when the moon is up in harmony to share dinner.