6 I am going to wear my new skirt for the party. – Я собираюсь надеть мою новую юбку на вечеринку.
7 I was going to call you but I forgot. – Я собирался позвонить тебе, но забыл.
8 I am not going to read this book. –Я не собираюсь читать эту книгу.
9 He is not going to play with us. – Он не собирается с нами играть.
10 We are not going to discuss this question. – Мы не собираемся обсуждать этот вопрос.
1) Frank said to Diana: "I don't like ballet".
2) Paul said to Harry: "I don't often go to the theatre". 3) Moria said to David: "I am fond of musicals". 4) Steve said to Robert: "We prefer seats in the stalls". 5) Victor said to Rose: "My parents often go to the Bolshoi". 6) Barbara said: "Does Alice know about the new performance? " 7) Grace said: "Have you seen the ballet? " 8) Betty said: "Has he finished the play? " 9) Brian said: "Did Shakespeare really write 37 plays?" 10) Kevin said: "We enjoyed the concert very much. "
- Hello! Mr. Brown is waiting for you.
(-Доброе утро! я мистер смит, у меня назначена встреча с мистером брауном сегодня в 12 часов.
- Здравствуйте! мистер браун ждет вас)