Мы начинаем готовиться к празднованию заранее. Убираем в доме, наряжаем елку, украшаем комнаты шарами, гирляндами, красивыми игрушками, праздничными лампочками, свечами. Мне очень нравятся новогодние и рождественские венки с ветками хвои, яркими лентами и фигурками ангелов. Раньше я такое видел только в зарубежных фильмах, а сейчас эта мода дошла и до нас.
Мама всегда готовит для праздничного стола нечто необычное, небудничное. Я стараюсь не проспать момент прихода нового года под бой курантов. После последнего удара на улице начинается фейерверк, который может длиться час! Каждый год к нам в гости приходят родственники и друзья. Мы веселимся, проводим различные конкурсы, танцуем, поем. Это всегда очень интересно, но я обычно рано засыпаю. А утром сразу бегу к елке, чтобы посмотреть, что мне подарили.
Особенно хорошо, когда в новогоднюю ночь стоит морозная снежная погода. В окнах всех домов мигают разноцветные огоньки. Все празднуют и веселятся. Видимо, из-за того что Новый год - это общий праздник, отмечать его так увлекательно!
2. She speaks English well. She has studied it for five years. Listen! She is speaking English to her teacher.
3. His son has just returned home. He is dirty. He played volley-ball.
4. Where is David? - He is in the library. He is working there at the moment. — How long has he been there? - He has been working for three hours.
5. Why does she look tired? - She has worked all night.
6. Since when have they been waiting for us? - They have been waiting for half an hour. We are late.
7. My sister drives a car. She has learned to drive for two months.
8. Beth has been busy this morning, hasn't she? - Yes. She already has written some letters and interviewed four people.
9. Julia has already returned home. She always comes home at this time. She is doing her lessons. She has been doing them since three o'clock.
10. My baby is sleeping at the moment. My baby has been sleeping for two hours.
11. Peter is writing letters now. He has been writing since seven o'clock. He has not finished writing yet.
12. What are they doing now? - They are discussing a very important problem. They have been discussing it for two hours; but they have not reached the agreement yet.
13. I have never supposed that he can cook. He is in the kitchen now. He has been cooking for an hour and he already has prepared some tasty dishes.
14. The weather is fine today. There is no clouds in the sky, the warm wind is blowing. The sun has been shinning since early morning.