1. Which of your friends sometimes ( keeps) to a diet? 2. When did Mike last ( learn) the English text by heart? 3. We (are arriving) at the railway station now. 4. Why your sister (does not like) to play with dolls? 5. I (am looking) through English texts now. 6. Did Hellen (lock) the door yesterday evening? 7. Will I ( help) him with geography next week? 8. What time are we (leaving) Spain for Turkey tomorrow evening? 9. Why are you ( laughing) now? 1. Whose glasses is she ( wearing) now? 2. Why did not Willy (catch) the plane the day before yesterday? 3. What cake does his mother usually ( make) for a birth day party? 4. Which of your friends (is joinig) the army now? 5. I (do not like) to look for anything. 6. Where do they usually ( celebrate) New Year? 7. With whom does he always ( take) the underground? 8. What animal are the children ( watching) now? 9. Where will we ( turn) in ten minutes?
City of Kostanay was founded in 1879. At the beginning of XX century the city was a major trading center and was one of the important parts of the path connecting Asia and Russia. At the time, Kostanay city was a big fair, two-story wooden house, the air was dust and the streets were covered with sand. Despite this, a Swiss citizen Lorets (Lorez) has built the largest in the Southern Urals and on the territory of Kazakhstan plant production capacity of beer, which flowed in a specially branded bottles produced, in those days was uncommon. In 1950 the population of the city and the area has increased markedly in connection with the development of virgin lands. In the postwar period to date in the Kostanai region continue to meet the huge harvests of cereal crops. On the eastern edge of town, on the part of the Tobol River was established label with a five-meter numbers like this: "385 thousand tons of grain, where the number of tons updated every week.